Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

4 Reasons Why you Don’t Need a Meaningful and Rewarding Job 

I know– The title is a bit offsetting for most people. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe that we as humans shouldn’t be helpful or giving, but I do think it shouldn’t be a necessity when it comes to your job. I talk to so many people who are scared to leave professions like real estate, teaching, nursing, planning, and more who simply don’t want to seek other jobs because they aren’t as impactful, despite the fact that they're exhausted, underpaid, and undervalued. 

I’ll be the person to say it– You don’t need to have a meaningful or rewarding job. Here’s why: 

  1. 1. You work for money - Let’s be real here. We all have to work in order to make money. We need money in order to survive, so we get up most days before we really want to, sit in that traffic that drives us crazy, and do that job that pays us once or twice a month. Work is to get money, and everything else should be what you do to find happiness and fulfillment. 

That’s not to say that your job shouldn’t make you happy. You should absolutely NEVER work in an industry that you genuinely don’t enjoy, however, your job should be the fuel to the fire you have for life, giving you what you need to be able to do all of the things you love outside of work. 

  1. 2. Do you want your job to be meaningful, or do you want YOU to be meaningful? A job title is just that– A title. When we hear nurse, we think of someone caring, supportive, and nurturing. But we know that there are thousands of nurses out there who are harsh, demanding, and insensitive. That’s because it’s not a requirement to be kindhearted to be a nurse. As long as you’re qualified and pass some interviews, you’ve got the job. 

My point is that so many people go into a career because it’s known to be meaningful or rewarding. But the reality is that only holds true if you, yourself make sure to act on those things. And guess what? You can do that outside of your job. If you love to care for the sick, there are plenty of volunteer opportunities working with people in hospice or reading to children who are suffering from a life-threatening illness. If you love being around kids, you can help your neighbors with babysitting on the weekends. If you love to make people feel special, you can make it a priority to send a sincere message to a friend or family member each week. It’s the choices we make each day that are meaningful and rewarding, not our job title. 

  1. 3. Making money IS important - Listen, I know. Money really isn’t everything. But let me tell you, it’s definitely something. The reason why people push having a “rewarding job” on you is so you can be convinced that you should actually do it. They make you think the money isn’t necessary until you’re looking at your bank account trying to figure out how in the world you’re going to pay your next bill. 

We hear of so many people in these types of professions getting burnt out and wanting to do something more with their lives. Isn’t it strange how rarely we hear people making 6 figures wanting to try another avenue? That’s because when the money is nice, other things are nice too. With money, you get to travel, buy the things you want, do experiences you enjoy, live in your dream house and so much more. I know it might sound greedy, but money really does matter, no matter what anyone else has to say. 

  1. 4. You are so much more than your job - You know when you first meet someone and they ask, “So, what do you do?” Isn’t it crazy that we always answer with what we do for our job? That’s because we live in a world where we are so used to making our job our entire identity. We fill our lives with work to the point where we answer “What do you do?” with a job title. 

Wouldn’t it be nicer if we could actually explain who we are outside of our job title? We could say, “I run marathons” or “I travel the world” instead of leading a conversation with something that is such a small part of our lives (or at least should be). Don’t make your job your identity, friend. 

Overall, there are plenty of opportunities out there that can make you feel meaningful and like you’ve done something rewarding. You can help your neighbors, volunteer, send nice messages to your friends, pay for someone’s groceries, help out at your kid’s school… The list goes on and on. Don’t put your worth into your career– You are SO much more than a job, my friend. Work to get that money. Live to make you & those you love happy.


Want more info? Sign up for my completely FREE masterclass on how to start making TONS of money from home by clicking HERE!

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

How To Use Social Media to Get Sales

Social media is one of the biggest marketing tools that you can use for your business, no matter what your industry is. I have watched my social media grow exponentially, and along with that, my sales have grown as well. 

In fact, my dropshipping company is a multi-million dollar business, and guess what? Most of my traffic comes solely from social media. 

With strategy, keeping up with trends, and a ton of research, I have watched my social media platforms reach millions of people, and a percentage of these people have turned into customers. 

It wasn’t by chance.

It wasn’t by luck. 

And it wasn’t just a few times. 

I have discovered ways to build my platform each and every day, so my sales continue to grow, even when I go a few days without posting or I take a break from the social media world. 

And now, I’ve developed a Weekly Trend Report subscription so you can follow in my exact footsteps. Yep, I’m sending you weekly updates on the best trends that are skyrocketing across different platforms. It’s the ticket to generating tons of sales while growing your brand. 

Here are just a few tips on social media that I’ve used that have helped my platform grow: 

  1. 1. Value-based posting: I don’t like to post just to get something out there. I believe in quality over quantity when it comes to social media. You’ll see everywhere that people recommend posting each and every day, but I actually suggest the opposite. If you can’t come up with something that’s educational, entertaining, or relatable, it’s okay to skip a post for the day and think of something better tomorrow. 

  2. 2. Staying on-brand: It’s rare that you’ll see me post anything outside of my business. I have one mission, and I stay extremely consistent with my posts in order to accomplish that. So, if you want to post a video about the Taylor Swift concert you went to or that really good restaurant you just ate at, consider saving that for your personal account instead of your business platform. 

  3. 3. Use keywords in your posts: Research some similar keywords that you’ve come across that relate to your niche. Within your posts, use those keywords to ensure you’re more discoverable when people are searching for topics related to what you’re trying to sell. Use these keywords in captions, texts on your posts, your bio, and hashtags. These go SUCH a long way when you use them correctly and accurately. 

But these tips above can only go so far. Keeping up with trends and algorithm changes is the key to unlocking your potential on social media. So, if you’re ready to level up your sales and overall business, CLICK HERE to sign up for weekly trend reports, my friend! 

I can’t wait to see you at the top!

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

How to Market your Business on Social Media without Showing your Face

This one's for my fellow introverts who either own a business or are considering it, but the idea of putting your face front and center on social media makes you break out in a cold sweat. I completely understand the hesitation to step into the limelight, and the good news is that you don't have to!

There are indeed ways to develop your social media presence without ever showing your face. Whether you're peddling a product or offering a service, we're going to explore different methods to build your brand incognito!

1. Make Canva Your New Best Friend:

Canva is a fantastic resource for all business owners aiming to establish their brand. Not only is it free, but it boasts a vast array of templates, perfect for creating eye-catching visuals.

A clever approach to content planning involves utilizing Canva's feed template to maintain consistency and on-brand posts. Feel free to use this template I personally employ to organize my own posts!

Here are some content ideas you can craft with Canva for your brand:


Client reviews


Informational carousels

Instagram Stories

2. Hire Micro-Influencers:

If you're selling a product, collaborating with micro-influencers is a fantastic way to secure outstanding content without appearing on camera!

Many micro-influencers are willing to exchange content in return for your product, although some may require a nominal fee. Regardless, this approach can provide captivating content and elevate your brand's visibility through individuals with an established following.

Micro-influencers typically have follower counts ranging from 5K to 80K, so ensure your outreach targets individuals within this range. Moreover, make your message to them professional, clear, and friendly. These influencers receive countless messages daily, so you want your first sentence to stand out without sounding spammy!

3. Ask for Client Testimonials:

If you're selling a product, using reviews from satisfied buyers to create content on Canva is a fantastic way to showcase your product's effectiveness. The same principle applies to services – people love to see that your customers or clients are happy and satisfied. It builds trust in your business when others testify to your legitimacy!

To take it up a notch, consider asking customers or clients who have worked with you for video testimonials. This strategy enables you to showcase your business's value firsthand!

4. Use Stock Images:
Stock images are free images captured by photographers that you can use on your platform. Naturally, you shouldn't claim them as your own, but you're free to use them on your website and social media as you see fit!

Canva provides an abundance of stock images in its "photos" section, but you can also discover more free images on sites like:

5. Use Trending Sounds to Your Advantage:

Video content rules the roost on social media, with short clips reigning supreme on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Creating engaging video content is simpler than you might think. Capture videos with an appealing vibe from your camera roll, add some text, and voilà! You've got the kind of content that can boost your audience and engagement.

So, whether you're sipping coffee at a cozy café, enjoying the vacation bliss, or just strolling around, start recording video clips that you can incorporate into your content and watch your numbers soar!

In conclusion, don't let your introverted nature hinder your journey to creating a thriving social media presence. Regardless of how you choose to present your business, success on any platform is well within your reach.

For more tips and tricks on building a wildly successful and profitable business…

Follow me on Instagram

Follow me on TikTok

Follow me on Pinterest

Or, join my completely FREE masterclass on starting your fast and easy money-making dropshipping business from scratch!

See you at the top! 🚀📱💫

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

How to Enter Your Rich Girl Era: 8 Finance Tips Every Woman Needs to Start Doing NOW

Being in my “Rich Girl Era” has been literally the best time of my life. I am absolutely obsessed with the financial freedom that I have, and I love never having to worry about money again. 

But sis, entering your "rich girl era" isn't just about accumulating wealth; it's about taking control of your financial destiny and living a life of abundance. Whether you're just starting out on your financial journey or looking to level up your money game, these eight finance tips are tailored to help every woman step confidently into her own rich girl era.

8. Rule 100 - I saw a TikTok about this and fell in love with it. It was talked about by Alex Hormozi, a financial expert + entrepreneur, who states, “I use something called ‘Rule 100’ which is 100 primary actions, whether that’s 100 minutes of content creation per day, 100 reachouts per day, $100 of ads spent per day… You have to pick one of them, but 100 per day. And you do that for 100 days, and I promise you, you’ll be making 6-figures if you do that.” 

Seriously, such incredible advice from someone who has built their business from the ground up, now making millions of dollars from his company. If you don’t know where to start on your financial journey, start here. 

7. Eliminate what you can - I didn’t want to use the scary word, ‘budget,’ because I know how hard that can be. If budget isn’t in your vocabulary, let’s start somewhere smaller. Instead of trying to completely limit yourself on anything you buy, start with little things like canceling unnecessary subscriptions, getting water instead of 3 margs at lunch, limiting yourself to only 2 new clothing items per month… Whatever makes sense for you and your spending habits, start small and then work your way up to a more strict plan once you see your bank account looking healthier. 

6. Stop making excuses and start making time - I seriously live by the quote, “You make time for the things you want and excuses for the things you don’t.” It’s the truest statement I’ve ever come across. So, if you really want to start making big money, you HAVE to make time for change and improvement. I hate to tell you this, but money isn’t just going to appear magically in your bank account. YOU have to choose to take action; It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, but it does have to be something. 

5. Manifest it, sis - Manifesting works. I know it can feel strange and sound weird, but it seriously WORKS. Manifesting means you speak to yourself as if you already have the things you want. Saying things like, “I get everything I want” or “I attract good things.” When you start to speak to yourself like you are rich and like you already are living your dream life, crazy things will happen. Watch yourself turn into who you’ve always wanted to be when you speak as though you’re already that girl. 

4. Save each and every month - If you don’t have a savings right now or you don’t have much in that account, this is your sign to start. Saving each month is the only way you’ll be able to truly build up the finances you want. Even if you don’t have much to save, putting aside $100 a month can even make a difference. Once you start applying these other steps and start making more and more money, you’ll be able to put in a bigger chunk each month. A good rule of thumb is to save 20% of your monthly income!

3. Surround yourself with passionate + financially savvy people - My mom used to always say to me, “You are who you hang out with.” And it’s so true! I’m not telling you to ditch any of your current friends, but I do want to encourage you to start spending more time with people who align with your goals. If you want to start making $10K a month, ask a successful acquaintance to go out to lunch with you. I’m an introvert, so this can be quite uncomfortable for people like me, but just know that you will have things to talk about, and stepping out of your comfort zone is the first step to growing financially. 

2. Build multiple streams of income - Can’t stress it enough. Any millionaire you come across will tell you that they have multiple streams of income. Their money isn’t just coming from one place, friend. You can work a full-time job but still have something on the side. Or, you can have multiple side gigs that bring in your full income. Whatever it looks like to you, you NEED to have more than one place set up that you’re getting your money from. Pssst… My FREE masterclass is the perfect place to set this up. 

1. Set up a passive income stream - Building off of step 2, my #1 suggestion for entering your rich girl era is setting up a stream of passive income. That means you’re making money at any point of the day, not having to lift a finger. While you sleep, eat, work out, travel… You are making money. I’m telling you, making money without having to do practically anything in the process is the gateway to financial freedom. My FREE masterclass also tells you exactly how to establish this for yourself, bestie!

All in all, entering your rich girl era is about more than just accumulating wealth; it's about embracing financial empowerment and taking control of your financial future. By following even one of the given steps above, you can confidently step into a life of abundance and prosperity. Remember, every small step you take today contributes to the wealth and success you'll enjoy in your rich girl era down the road. Rooting for you!

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

6 Signs That You’re Ready to Quit Your Job

It’s always hard to walk away from something you feel comfortable in or have been doing for a while. There’s a lot of second-guessing, guilt, and even a bit of shame. There is a stamina around “quitting” anything, but I look at it more as advancing to the next chapter in your life rather than “giving up.”

Because I don’t know who needs to hear this, but leaving a job is okay. Knowing when you’re ready for something else is okay. Doing the same exact thing every day for over 30 years sounds miserable, and it’s not ideal for anyone who wants to live an exciting and fulfilling life. In fact, the average person changes jobs 3-7 times in their lifetime. So, if you’re considering leaving your job but are still on the fence, maybe this will help you.

Here are 6 signs that you’re ready to quit your job and start something new:

1. You think about leaving often.

If you’re daydreaming about leaving your job every week, that’s your mind telling you something. Think about when you meet that new person that you’ve been on a few dates with. You probably find yourself daydreaming about them because you genuinely like them. If you’re daydreaming about or thinking about leaving your job, it’s because it’s in your heart that it’s truly what you want.

2. Your mental health isn’t what you want it to be.

If you’ve seen a decline in your mental health recently, it might be due to your job. It’s what you do every day, so it is likely a contributor to why you’re feeling this way. If you find yourself agitated, irritable, tired, and just not as positive as you used to be, it might be time to reflect on your job and see what could be contributing to this.


3. You have a hard time waking up in the morning.

Feeling tired and unmotivated to go to your job is an indicator that your heart just isn’t in it anymore. I don’t know if anyone wakes up and sprints to their car to go to work, but if you’re having a hard time waking up and feeling excited or encouraged, then it might be time to consider other options.

4. You’re getting more and more agitated with the people you work with.

It’s a natural feeling to start getting irritated with your surroundings when something deeper is getting to you. If you’re starting to get more and more annoyed with people around you while you’re at work, it’s probably because you’ve started to recognize the things that don’t align with your values or who you are when you’re there.

5. You are mentally drained after work.

If you’re getting home from work and feeling absolutely drained, that’s a sign that you’re ready for a change. Work shouldn’t take everything out of you, and if it is, you’re missing out on everything else that life has to offer. Coming home and sitting on the couch for the rest of the night is great every now and again, but if you’re finding yourself craving this after each and every day, you’re letting your job pull away from opportunities that could make you a happier and more fulfilled person.

6. You’re feeling uninspired and unengaged.

Everyone has a creative side that keeps them inspired, curious, and engaged. If your job isn’t challenging you to bring this side out, it is probably leaving you feeling uninspired, unengaged, and unmotivated. You might find yourself getting bored in your position or having little desire to bring anything more to the table. If you connect with this, it may be time to find something that keeps your creative side intact and utilized.

Overall, remember that it’s okay to move on to something that better suits your wants and desired lifestyle. I totally understand feeling like leaving a job is scary because it gives you a sense of security and comfort once you’ve done it for a certain amount of time. But, know that making choices to improve your own life is imperative. You have ONE LIFE, and spending days working in a job that doesn’t make you happy is a waste of days that you could have spent doing what you truly love!

If you’re thinking about leaving a job but have no idea what to do next, dropshipping could be the perfect fit for you. This career allows you to work from anywhere in the world, earn passive income, and work only a few hours a week. Seriously, it completely transformed my life.

If you’re interested in starting in this amazing industry, click HERE to join my completely free masterclass that gives you all my best tips and tricks on how to get started!

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

How to Get TONS of Views On Your TikTok Videos

In the dynamic world of social media, TikTok has emerged as a powerhouse platform that can make or break an individual's online presence. In fact, it’s the #1 most used app in the world. Yep, that’s more than Instagram, Safari, Amazon or even Google.

With its short, engaging videos and massive user base, TikTok offers a fantastic opportunity for content creators to showcase their creativity and reach a wider audience. If you're looking to boost your video views on TikTok, here are ten proven tips to help you master the art:

1. Engage with Your Audience:

Respond to comments, engage in conversations, and build a genuine connection with your followers. The more you interact, the more likely viewers are to return and watch your content consistently.

2. Jump on Trends:

TikTok thrives on trends, and participating in challenges and popular hashtags can significantly increase your video's visibility. Keep an eye on trending sounds, effects, and challenges, and put your unique spin on them to stand out from the crowd.

3. Use text:

When someone scrolls past your video, their brains will automatically scroll right past it if the first 2 seconds don’t engage them in some way. It’s always a good idea to put text in your videos, especially the first few seconds, summarizing what your video is about.

4. Short and Snappy Content:

TikTok videos are limited to just a few seconds, so make every moment count. Capture your audience's attention within the first few seconds and maintain their interest throughout the video. Aim for concise storytelling and avoid unnecessary filler.

5. Utilize Captions:

Given that TikTok videos autoplay without sound, adding captions can enhance the viewer experience. This ensures that even users scrolling through their feeds without sound can engage with your content.

6. Consistent Posting Schedule:

Consistency is key on any social media platform. Develop a posting schedule that works for you and stick to it. Regular uploads can help keep your audience engaged and anticipate your content.

7. Collaborations and Duets:

Collaborating with other TikTok creators can introduce your content to a new audience. Duets, where you interact with another user's video, can be a fun and effective way to engage with trending content and attract views.

8. Cross-Promotion:

Leverage your presence on other social media platforms to promote your TikTok videos. Sharing snippets or highlights from your TikTok on platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, or YouTube can lead followers to your TikTok account.

9. Post with purpose:

Don’t think too much about every video you post, but do be intentional about what you post. Your video should educate, entertain or inspire. If it doesn’t do one of those three things, it might not be something for your audience.


I can’t stress this one enough. If you’re not authentic on the app, you will quickly lose passion for your audience. You’ll run out of ideas and you won’t be able to connect with those that had initial interest in what you were posting. So, if you love to dance, then dance! But if you literally hate dancing and feel like you “have to” do the TikTok routines to get content, you’re not being true to yourself, and eventually, people will see right through that!

All in all, increasing your TikTok video views requires a combination of creativity, strategy, and consistency. By implementing these ten tips, you can enhance your chances of capturing the attention of a larger audience, growing your follower base, and ultimately making a more significant impact in the exciting world of TikTok. Remember, mastering TikTok is a journey, so stay patient and keep honing your skills with every video you create!

Don’t forget to follow me on TikTok at @Maddyglynn_ ❤️️

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

Why Your Facebook Ads Aren’t Working + How to Fix Them

Are you frustrated with your Facebook ads' poor performance? Are you not getting the results you hoped for despite investing time and money into your advertising campaigns? If so, don't worry; you're not alone. Many businesses struggle to achieve success with their Facebook ads, but the good news is that there are specific reasons for these underwhelming outcomes, and even better, there are practical solutions.

So, friend, let’s dive into 3 common reasons why your Facebook ads might not be hitting the mark, and we'll provide actionable tips to turn things around.

1. Your Ad Creative Has Too Much Text - One of the most critical aspects of a successful Facebook ad is the ad creative itself. And when it comes to images, less is often more. Facebook has a strict rule about the amount of text allowed on ad images: the text should take up 20% or less of the ad creative. Ads with excessive text are less likely to reach a broader audience because they tend to be less engaging.

The solution here is simple: minimize the text on your ad images. Focus on visually compelling images that grab attention and resonate with your target audience. Let the visual elements speak for themselves and use the ad copy to provide additional context or a call-to-action.

2. Your Ad Lacks the "Wow" Factor - In the fast-paced world of social media, capturing attention quickly is crucial. If your ads fail to make an immediate impact, users will simply scroll past without giving them a second thought. The "wow" factor can come in various forms, such as humor, striking visuals, or a unique value proposition that stands out from the competition.

To create eye-catching ads, think about what makes your product or service unique and how you can convey that distinctiveness in a split second. Use bold and attention-grabbing visuals that align with your brand's identity. Remember, you have only a few seconds to make an impression, so make it count!

3. Your Headlines Need Improvement - The headline of your Facebook ad is like the headline of an article – it should be captivating and compel users to read further. A strong headline can be the difference between someone clicking on your ad or scrolling past it.

Craft headlines that are short, punchy, and to the point. Aim for one-liners that convey your ad's key message or value proposition. To add an extra touch of engagement, incorporate emojis that are relevant to your content. Emojis can make your ad more visually appealing and increase its chances of standing out in the sea of text.

Ready to Turn Things Around? Join Our FREE Masterclass!

If you're serious about improving your Facebook ad performance and taking your dropshipping business to the next level, we've got you covered! Join our FREE masterclass, where you'll gain invaluable insights into creating successful Facebook ads and building a profitable dropshipping business.

In this masterclass, you'll learn:

💸 Why dropshipping is the quickest way to a full-time income in as little as 4-6 weeks

👩🏼‍💻 How to choose a wildly profitable dropshipping product

🌟 How to build an audience of ready-to-buy customers without ever showing your face on social media

🥂 Our EXACT strategy for achieving $40k+ months and how to replicate it!

Don't miss this opportunity to transform your Facebook ad campaigns and discover the secrets to passive income through dropshipping success. Click the link below to watch the masterclass now and start your journey toward a more profitable future!

We look forward to seeing you there! 📲 

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

5 Reasons Why EVERYONE Should Have a Side Hustle

I get it… Starting a side hustle may be the last thing on your mind right now. From working full-time to having a life outside of your job, it feels like there's already such little time to start anything up. 

But, imagine making double to triple what you’re making in your current job, just by putting in a few extra hours a week. That’s the beauty of side hustles– They’re designed to generate BIG income after only putting in a little amount of time.  

So, let’s walk through just some of the reasons why EVERYONE should have a side hustle in 2023: 

  1. 1. The MONEY, honey - As I said before, side hustles are big money-makers. You’re not likely to come across a side hustle that offers $10 an hour. That’s because they are made to send over tons of money after a short amount of work. I often see side hustles turn into full-time gigs for this exact reason. People start to realize that you don’t have to work 40+ hours a week to generate a HUGE income. That’s my story, friends, and it could absolutely be yours, too! 

  1. 2. Multiple streams of income - Ask any millionaire out there, and they’ll tell you that one stream of income is not going to get you to where you want to be. When you have more than 1 stream of income in place, you’re allowing yourself to build up your bank account at an accelerated rate. I mean, what’s the losing factor here? Anyone???

  1. 3. Pursue your passions - Over time, our passions change and grow. We discover talents in ourselves that maybe we didn’t see before. We start our careers thinking a 9-5 is the way to go, and then we soon realize that the things we love are far different from what we find ourselves doing daily. When you’re able to start a side hustle that aligns with your passions, you open your eyes to the fact that being able to pursue something that you truly identify with is absolutely possible. 

  1. 4. Income on autopilot - Okay, so not every side hustle is like this, but I know of so many that allow you to make passive income after everything is all set up. That means it takes you a few weeks/months to build something, and then after that, the money flows in on complete autopilot. It’s 100000% worth the few hours that you initially put in because you’re then making money without having to do practically anything. 

Psstt… That’s *exactly* what dropshipping is and what I teach THOUSANDS of people to do every day. Click here to learn more about it. 

  1. 5. Expand your network - Starting a side hustle is the perfect way to connect with people you may have not been able to reach in your current 9-5. Through interactions with customers, collaborators, and fellow entrepreneurs, you can develop meaningful connections that may lead to exciting opportunities or partnerships in the future. The support and companionship found within entrepreneurial communities can be motivating and provide valuable insights for your future. 

So, although building a side gig does take a little extra time, once you get adjusted to fitting it into your schedule, it genuinely feels like a money-making breeze. You’ll be asking yourself constantly why you didn’t start it up way earlier, and it will motivate you to want to start more and more streams of income after you get the first one locked down. 

If you’re ready to start the easiest and fastest side hustle that makes you money on complete autopilot, I have the *perfect* gig for you, friend. Click here to learn more! 

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

7 Tips to Get More Engagement on Your Business Instagram

It’s no secret that Instagram is an art, and there really are secret tips and tricks that people need to know if they ever want to grow on the platform.

Especially when starting from scratch (like all of us do at some point), it’s important to know what tasks need to be tackled once your account is up and running.

In just a few months, I grew my Instagram following to over 100K. Let me tell you, it wasn’t by chance or luck… It was by knowing what needed to be done to get more engagement and keep people interested enough to continue following my account!

Here are 7 of my BEST tips and tricks for how to grow your following and get more engagement on your Instagram platform:

  1. 1. Post consistently, BUT NOT TOO MUCH! I know you’ve probably heard the “post consistently” advice time and time again. Yes, it is necessary to be present on the app if you want to grow. However, it is a huge misconception that you need to post each and every day. When I see businesses do this, it shows that they’re just posting to post… They’re not pushing out quality content.

When you’re posting for quantity and not quality, people get bored and think, “Why am I following this account anyways?” That’s when they’ll unfollow your account because, in that moment, they didn’t feel a true purpose from your post. Overall, it’s important to keep things relevant while staying consistent and posting regularly. I suggest posting around 3-4 feed posts per week.

2. Interact with your audience. The wonderful thing about social media is that it creates relationships and connections with people from afar. People LOVE to feel seen and heard, and let’s be honest, in today’s world, social media is where people turn to feel exactly that. When you engage with your followers, you give them a positive feeling that you’re interested in who they are and what they have to say. So, reply to their comments, follow them back, like their posts, comment on their content, and reply to their stories. When you take the time to be interactive, people will be far more interested to get to know you and your business.

  1. 3. Be genuine! Oof– Can’t stress this one enough. Have you ever received a comment on your post that seems so generic that it makes you cringe? Or even worse– Receiving a DM from a fellow entrepreneur trying to spark a conversation with you, but you just know they’re going to push a sales pitch on you at any second. People can feel the autopilot in comments and conversations. So when it’s time to say something, tailor it to that follower! Be specific, use their name, and mention something customizable to them, so they know you actually took time on their post.

Instead of simply commenting, “Love your content! Great points on this post ❤️️”, comment something like, “Taylor! This hit home. It’s so true that owning your own business can be exhausting in every way, and I appreciate your transparency that you so bravely shared with us. You inspire me! P.S- LOVE that shirt! Where did you get it?”

Obviously, make sure you actually mean what you say, but don’t you see how much more comment #2 would grab the attention of someone? Authenticity is of the utmost importance!

  1. 4. Have a cohesive, eye-catching feed. Figuring out your branding is going to be the first step to this. What colors are you going to use? What fonts are you going to be consistent with? What vibe do you want your feed to give? When you’ve figured this out, you’ve already checked off step 1 of creating your perfect feed.

Instagram is never about a few posts, but it’s about your entire profile and who you represent yourself to be. Your profile as a whole is your first impression. When someone clicks your username, it takes them not to your best post or that cool reel you made, but to your profile! When they see something organized, cohesive, and professional, they’re far more likely to hit that follow button to keep themselves in the loop about your business!

  1. 5. Follow people in your competitors’ follower list. A great way to reach people who you know have an interest in your business niche is to look through your competitors’ follower lists and follow/interact with them. I know it may feel a little sneaky, but it’s very likely that they did the same exact thing. Think of it as a shortcut to reach your target audience!

  1. 6. Know that hashtags ARE your friend. This one is a bit controversial. I hear a lot of people claiming that hashtags are no longer useful; however, I have found that to be untrue. Using hashtags is a way to link people with a specific interest directly to you. SO many people use hashtags as a way to search on the platform, and when they’re looking for the keyword that you used, that connection will be made.

Do some research and discover keywords that people are using in relation to your business. Hashtagging needs to be done right to work. When you’re just hashtagging #business #followme #goodcontent … It’s highly doubtful that you’ll gain any engagement from this. Be specific, keep up with trends, and keep your target audience in mind!

  1. 7. Post at the right times. This is where analytics come in handy, and yes, it absolutely is important to keep track of these! But overall, there definitely are right and wrong times to post on Instagram. You’re likely going to get more engagement if you post at 8:00 pm rather than 9:00 am. Think about what most people are doing during those times. At 8:00 pm, people are probably at home, winding down, and getting ready for the next day. At 9:00 am, most people are running into work, ready to conquer the day. Most people aren’t on their phones and are distracted doing something else.

So there you have it, friends - some tried-and-true strategies to boost engagement on your business Instagram page! Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and growing your engagement may take time, but with patience, consistency, and a pinch of creativity, you'll be well on your way to Instagram success.

Can’t wait to see you at the top!

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

How Selling Shapewear Leggings Made Me Millions 

Dropshipping has always been an alluring idea for many, sparking a desire in people to give it a try. And why wouldn't they? It has low startup costs, minimal maintenance once it's up and running, and the HUGE potential for substantial earnings at any time of the day.

However, I've noticed some people turning their backs on the idea, often convinced to walk away because of the scary question, "But what should I sell?" Undeniably, this choice is one of the toughest in your business journey, as it can make or break the success of your new enterprise.

Before diving into why my product (shapewear leggings) turned into a success, I want to emphasize the importance of not simply reading the title and impulsively thinking, "Maybe I should sell shapewear leggings too!" I say this because, since I embarked on my business journey in 2020, shapewear athletic clothing has exploded in popularity and the niche has become extremely oversaturated.

Futher, when a market becomes oversaturated and countless sellers offer similar products, distinguishing yourself and capturing the attention of potential buyers becomes an uphill battle.

But that leads me to my first point of why shapewear leggings were a winning product–

  1. `1. Shaping athletic wear was a relatively untapped market at the time. In fact, it emerged as a new trend that got the attention of millions of women worldwide. Athletic apparel that accentuates the booty and smoothens the tummy? It seemed like a win-win, and it truly was! Keeping up with trends is crucial in the business world, and if you seize the opportunity swiftly enough, you can find yourself in a pool of overwhelming success.

  1. 2. I successfully targeted a specific audience with my marketing efforts. While the notion of selling a product that appeals to a broad range of people may sound like a good idea, the opposite holds true. By selecting a product that resonates with a particular group, you cultivate a sense of belonging and understanding among potential customers. When a customer can say, "That's so me!", you have successfully grabbed their attention, leaving them wanting to know more.

For instance, if you're a woman committed to enhancing and rounding your booty, you would likely be drawn to a slogan such as "For women seeking a snatched waist and lifted booty in seconds" rather than a generic one like "Cute and comfy leggings for anyone who enjoys the gym!"

Do you see how the first slogan contains multiple relatable + specific elements? This is how you reach a specific audience and inspire them to purchase your product.

  1. 3. My product addressed an emotional problem. For myself and countless women, body image remains an everyday struggle. The desire to both look and feel good in our own skin is deeply ingrained, and shapewear leggings provide a solution that empowers thousands, if not millions, of women to feel confident in form-fitting clothing. When your product helps people overcome a problem, enabling them to feel beautiful, safe, secure, confident, and protected, it becomes far easier to capture their attention through strategic marketing.

  1. 4. My product fulfilled a profoundly ingrained desire. In today's world, there are SO many women who aspire to achieve a good lookin’ booty. Just glance at the viral GymTok influencers who flaunt their impeccable glutes and generously share their intense workouts to help others achieve the same. Pursuing a well-rounded butt has become a shared aspiration among millions of women around the world. Therefore, I chose a product that could aid them in fulfilling this desire.

Pay close attention to the needs and desires prevalent within specific target groups. Are mothers seeking enhanced safety for their children? Are men looking for ways to grow thicker beards? Dive into the highly sought-after desires within a particular audience and develop strategies to captivate their attention.

Unquestionably, there is an art to discovering a winning product in the world of dropshipping. I frequently receive messages from individuals asking for my thoughts on a cute necklace they stumbled upon or a fun night lamp that children would love. In response, I challenge my students to consider how these products can genuinely benefit people in the long run and how they can stand out from the crowd. From there, they quickly realize that if their product doesn’t hit these basic points that I listed above, they’re going to have a harder time seeing the profit they were hoping for. 

Remember, finding success in dropshipping entails more than just picking a product randomly. It requires sharp market analysis, targeted marketing, and a deep understanding of the desires and emotions that drive consumer behavior.


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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

7 Tools You NEED When Building Your Own Online Course

I’m proud to say that my course has profited 7 figures in only 1 year! It has been a learning experience, to say the least, and I’m so beyond thrilled to know that I’m able to help thousands of people around the world build their dropshipping business to what exactly they need it to be in our to discover the utmost success.

With the right tools, tips, and tricks, anyone with a passion can build their own course. The foundation of my knowledge on this topic comes from the amazing Amie Tollefsrud and her course, Online Course Academy (I highly recommend!).

From here, I took what I found necessary and put my own twist on the rest. In this blog, I’ll tell you my most essential tools for building a successful, profitable online course!

  1. 1. Teachable - This is the core of your course. Your systems will work throughout this website that will offer your students a step-by-step guide to navigate through modules and lessons that you set up! Here, students can watch videos, download worksheets, keep track of progress, and more! I highly recommend using this platform over any others for your online course!

  2. 2. ConvertKit - ConvertKit is an email management platform that collects information on new subscribers each time they enter their email into a linked website. You can integrate ConvertKit with almost any other platform, and it’s amazing for data and analytic tracking as well! You can build sequences, schedule emails for the future, and even filter through specific subscribers all on the website. Through ConvertKit, I have grown my email subscriber list from 1,000 in June of 2022 to over 80,000 in June of 2023.

  3. 3. Facebook Groups - Adding a personal touch to your course is a fantastic way for people to feel like your course is different. There are millions of courses out there that are generated by robots and AI. If you want people to feel like they’re getting support from you and real humans, having a Facebook group where you can connect with your students is HUGE!

  4. 4. Squarespace - For any course or company, you’re going to want your own website to be able to explain who you are, what your course is, and how it can help people out there. Squarespace is a great website builder with hundreds of already-made templates that can make your website look clean and professional with little backend work. In addition to this, you can integrate Squarespace with almost any other platform, which makes it a top-tier website choice when offering an online course!

  5. 5. Loom - Loom is a screen & video recorder that you can add as an extension to your Google! It’s totally free (unless you want to upgrade to longer & more videos) and super easy to use. With just a click of a button, you can record any screen at any time. Once your videos are recorded, you’re given a link and options to save or send. The best part is you don’t even have to show your face! That means you can walk people through your lessons with just your screen and your voice.

  6. 6. Interact - Interact is a quiz maker that acts as a brilliant tool to get people to sign up for your email list! People love a fun and interactive way to connect to things, and offering a quiz with fun and easy questions to get people to relate to your topic is a great hook for potential students to open their eyes to what your course could offer them!

  • 7. Canva - This one might be self-explanatory, but Canva is a *literal* lifesaver! With millions of templates, elements, and fonts, you can’t go wrong with building eye-catching graphics that match any style. Canva is free, but I do recommend upgrading to get access to the best templates & elements to ensure your brand is exactly what you want it to be!

All in all, these tools are the wheels that keep my course running smoothly. I truly believe that anyone with a passion and knowledge can build a course, and with the right tools and coaching strategies, you could be on your way to creating a 7-figure course just like I did!

Stay tuned, friend! Because soon, I’ll be offering high-ticket coaching to a select number of people who I see high potential in. Feel free to reach out to me at if you’re interested in this!



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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

8 Reasons Why I’m NOT a “Boss Babe”

“Boss Babe” is a term that I have seen many people use in recent years to describe hard-working, passionate, and driven women in the business world. When I picture a Boss Babe, I see Maryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada, Sandra Bullock in The Proposal, or even Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu (Sylvie) in Emily in Paris

These women are serious, take their work very seriously, and will do whatever it takes to reach the top of their careers. Their high heels and slicked-back, perfect pony-tailed hair make them appear threatening, and their attitude toward others lets us know that they, in fact, are threatening. 

Although it is true that I am a CEO, entrepreneur, and leader in my business, I have resisted adopting the boss babe persona for many reasons: 

  1. 1. My life is far more than my work 

    1. I could write a 10-page essay on this topic… But I’ll leave it at this– We’ve been brainwashed to think that the only way to find success is to work as hard as you possibly can for 30+ years. Then, when you’re tired and, well, old, you can finally enjoy the fruits of your labor. I mean, COME ON. We have one life, and I am dedicated to spending each year (especially my young years) as full as possible. Work is such a small part of life, and I’m going to continue to treat it that way! 

  2. 2. Climbing up the corporate ladder is too exhausting 

    1. Trying to prove yourself each and every day is mentally exhausting. Unhealthy feelings of fierce competition creep in and easily turn into defeating comparisons. If you know you’re great at something, YOU should be the only person you have to prove it to. When you’re constantly trying to impress people above you, you lose authenticity and even worse, lose vision on what truly matters outside of the workplace. 

  3. 3. I don’t care to deal with rude people all-day

    1. Going into an office and being a boss usually means you’re dealing with people. And if you’re above the age of 8, you know that people can be just flat-out nasty. From dealing with lazy employees to angry customers, I know for a fact that my time and energy can be far more useful elsewhere. The headache just isn’t worth it to me. 

  1. 4. Boss babes don’t vacation… And I like to travel 

    1. When you’re in the boss babe mindset, you are truly dedicated to your job. I hear about people that barely EVER take a vacation so they can prove themselves at work. Or, they don’t trust their employees to run the systems without them. That type of pressure is unhealthy. It’s good and okay to take breaks, and when you get in the habit of pushing yourself too hard, relaxing becomes almost impossible. 

  2. 5. Go into the office? Hard pass

    1. Now that I’ve been working from home for a few years, I would seriously NEVER go back into the office again. The fact that I can make a Target run at 2:00pm or watch Vanderpump Rules while responding to emails is just a life that I could never picture letting go of. And to have to sit in traffic again twice (or more)  a day… No thanks! 

  3. 6. The headaches aren’t worth it

    1. From the daily grind to always needing the next, better thing, I just don’t think the boss babe life is worth the headache. I make WAY more money than I did in my boss babe days, and I work far fewer hours and far less hard. Don’t get me wrong, I still work and I’m still dedicated, but my job is mostly money and not nearly as much craziness. 

  4. 7. Life’s too short for people to be scared of you

    1. A lot of the time, we relate “boss babe” to someone that is bossy, kind of rude, and extremely intimidating. I’ve realized that I am happier when I am helping people, teaching lessons, and having meaningful conversations. The harsh character really doesn’t make work (or life) fun for anyone. 

  5. 8. There are WAY easier ways to get rich 

    1. This is probably the most important lesson that I’ve ever learned in my life. If you had the choice of making $1,000,000 by working 60+ hours a week or making $1,000,000 by working 10 or less hours a week, I’m pretty confident that you’d choose option 2. The thing is… These ARE your options. These are both realities for so many people in the world, and it’s up to you to decide which reality you want to make yours. 

No hate to the boss babes out there, but when I realized that I can be just as successful as a boss babe by being a work-from-home-and-make-money-passively babe, I knew I could never go back. 

If you read this far, I hope you’ve realized that you absolutely CAN do this, too. This life is achievable, no matter who you are, and I’ll help you get there every step of the way. 

My completely FREE secret masterclass will show you how to go from exhausted employee to free and happy business owner in just a few short weeks. Click HERE to claim your spot, friend!



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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

6 Tips for How to Find the Perfect Niche for Your Dropshipping Store

When starting a dropshipping business, choosing the right niche is crucial for your success. A niche allows you to target a specific audience and offer products that cater to their needs and interests. However, finding the perfect niche can be a challenging task. To be honest, this sometimes takes people the longest out of everything afterward. So, here are my best tips on how to find the PERFECT niche for you and your biz

1. Spend time on AliExpress:

AliExpress is a marketplace tool that offers a wide range of products at competitive prices. It’s what I use and I instruct all of my students to use when finding suppliers! It can be a goldmine for finding niche ideas. By exploring different categories and subcategories on AliExpress, you can discover trending products and identify potential niches that align with your interests and target audience. Look for products with high demand and low competition to increase your chances of success. 

2. Tap into social media trends, particularly TikTok:

Social media platforms like TikTok can provide valuable insights into emerging trends and popular products. Search for the hashtag "TikTok made me buy it" on TikTok to see what products are creating a buzz among people today. This can give you ideas for unique and trendy products that you can incorporate into your dropshipping store. I suggest watching videos made my popular creators who have a following, as they have high influence on people that could be your future customers!

3. Analyze Google Trends:

Google Trends is an extremely handy tool for identifying the popularity of certain keywords over time. By using this tool, you can determine if a particular niche is gaining traction or losing interest. Look for consistent or upward-trending keywords related to your potential niche. This will help you understand the demand for products in that niche and see if it a product within that niche could be your winning product! 

4. Explore niche-specific online communities:

Online communities and forums dedicated to specific interests can be valuable resources for finding niche ideas. Platforms like Reddit, Quora, and Facebook Groups provide opportunities to engage with potential customers and gain insights into their preferences. By actively participating in these communities, you can understand the problems they face and the products they are seeking, which can help you narrow down your niche choices. 10/10 recommend! 

5. Follow & keep up with influencers on different platforms:

Stay up to date and follow influencers in your desired niche. These social media accounts can provide you with valuable information about emerging trends, consumer preferences, and potential product opportunities. This knowledge will give you a better idea of what products could be a good fit for your business. 

6. Consider your own passions and expertise:

This is probably the most important tip of all. Building a successful dropshipping store requires dedication and enthusiasm. When choosing a niche, it’s essential that your own passions and expertise are at the center of your decision. Starting a business in a niche that genuinely interests you will not only make the process more enjoyable but also help you connect better with your target audience. 

So, finding the perfect niche for your dropshipping store is probably the most essential step toward building a successful business. By using the six tips listed above, you can conduct thorough research, identify trending products, and connect with your target audience. Remember to choose a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise to make the process more fulfilling. When you spend time on these steps, you can discover a profitable niche that sets your dropshipping! store on the path to success.

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

10 Reasons Why I Quit My Real Estate Career

After deciding that attending a 4-year university just wasn’t for me, I did what many people that are unsure of their next step do– Join real estate. I knew I would be good at real estate once I got the hang of things. I have grit, passion and dedication. But what I was lacking was the ability to let work consume my life. I simply just couldn’t do it any longer, and I absolutely despised how real estate had you working long hours, weekends, and on everyone else’s time. Can it be good money? Yes. But, what is money when you have no time to spend it and no one to spend it with? I knew I needed out, and here are just a few reasons why: 

  1. 1. High Stress Levels:

Real estate can be a high-pressure environment, with demanding clients, tight deadlines, and constant market fluctuations. The relentless stress began to take a toll on my mental and emotional well-being, making it challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

  1. 2. Market Volatility:

Real estate is subject to cyclical changes, and economic downturns can significantly impact the industry. The unpredictable nature of market fluctuations led me to question the stability and security of my career in the long term.

  1. 3. Time Commitment:

Being successful in real estate often requires working long hours, including evenings and weekends, to accommodate clients' schedules. This demanding time commitment began to encroach on my personal life, leaving me feeling exhausted and disconnected from my loved ones on a constant basis. In the long run, it just wasn’t worth it to me. 

  1. 4. Inconsistent Income:

Real estate agents often rely on commissions, which can lead to inconsistent and unpredictable income. The feast-or-famine nature of the business made it challenging to plan for the future and build a stable financial foundation. Money comes big, but not very often. So, worrying about when I’m getting paid next was always an issue. 

  1. 5. Ethical Concerns:

While the majority of real estate professionals maintain high ethical standards, I encountered instances where unethical practices were prevalent in the industry. Witnessing these practices eroded my trust and left me questioning my alignment with an industry that seemed driven by profit above all else. It is an extremely competitive field, which, unfortunately, brought out the worst in some people. 

  1. 6. Limited Control:

As an agent, I realized that my success was often dependent on external factors beyond my control, such as market conditions and client decisions. This lack of control over my professional destiny left me feeling disempowered and seeking something that gave me a more consistent income. 

  1. 7. Lack of Personal Fulfillment:

Over time, I discovered that real estate didn't align with my personal passions and interests. While the industry provides opportunities to help people find homes or invest in properties, I found myself wanting to make an impact outside of work. I felt that spending more time with my family, friends, and the community was more important that trying to make a “difference” in selling real estate. 

  1. 8. Constant Hustle:

Real estate demands consistent hustle and self-promotion to stay competitive. The pressure to continually generate leads, secure listings, and close deals became exhausting. It is EXTREMELY hard work, and it wasn’t worth it to me when the money was a question as to whether or not it would actually be there. 

  1. 9. SO much competition:

In an industry with THOUSANDS of people with crazy amounts of experience, it was difficult to make a name for myself when the competition was everywhere you turned. Obviously, someone is going to want to work with an agent that has wild success over an agent that just started 4 months ago. Being in a constant state of competition was unhealthy on my nervous system and drained me mentally. 

  1. 10. New Opportunities:

Ultimately, leaving real estate opened doors to explore new opportunities and pursue a different career path that aligned more closely with my evolving interests and aspirations. It allowed me to embrace personal growth and find a sense of fulfillment beyond what the real estate industry could provide.

Deciding to leave the real estate industry can be a challenging and deeply personal choice. In my case, a combination of factors, including high-stress levels, market volatility, and limited control, led me to embark on a different professional journey. It's essential to listen to your own needs and aspirations, recognizing that life is too short to remain in a career that no longer brings you joy or fulfills your purpose. Whatever path you choose, may it lead you to a place of fulfillment and contentment.

I was lucky enough to come across the AMAZING industry of dropshipping, where I have full control over when I work, where I work, and how much I work. I make lightyears more than I made as an agent and work far less. I am finally able to live my life for ME and not for clients. Feeling free is an understatement, and I hope everyone else is able to feel this in their lives as well. 

Want to learn more about how I made this transition? Join my completely FREE masterclass that will explain it all by clicking here

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

 6 gifts for Dad that’ll make big money in your dropshipping biz! 

Whether it’s Father’s Day, his birthday, Christmas, or a special occasion, getting a gift for the dad in your life is one of the biggest headaches we face on a yearly basis.

So why is it so dang difficult to find a gift for the dad in your life? Well, here are just a few reasons why:

  • 1. What do they even like? Many men may have specific hobbies or interests that they are passionate about, which can make it harder to find a gift that aligns with those interests. If you're not familiar with their hobbies, it can be challenging to choose something they'll truly appreciate.

  • 2. Ditch the cute and heartfelt stuff. Dads often appreciate practical gifts that they can use in their daily lives. They may prioritize functionality over sentimental value, which can make it harder to find a gift that strikes the right balance between usefulness and thoughtfulness.

  • 3. They’re so nonchalant. Dads sometimes don't express their preferences clearly or may be reserved when discussing what they want as gifts. This can make gathering meaningful hints or suggestions to guide your shopping difficult.

  • 4. Every day is pretty similar. Dads may have established routines or preferences for certain items they use regularly, making it challenging to introduce something new into their established habits.

With all of this being known, buyers like to hop right on those gift ideas for Dad when they see any sort of good idea. When they can’t fit yet another mug in the cabinet or the corny T-shirts are too overdone, it’s time to jump on those unique ideas that don’t come around very often.

So, that’s where YOU come in. When you choose a product that most dads will like, and your ads are angled toward specific holidays when they come around each year, you’ll see the money flowing in left and right!

Here are just a few winning ideas that could very well make you TONS of money in the dropshipping industry:

  1. 1. Insulated beer sleeve with handle - Most men drink beer. A sleeve that can fit up to 7 cans! The best part is that it’s insulated and has an arm handle on it, so it can easily be carried anywhere– Golfing, on the boat, or heading to a friend’s place.

  2. 2. Bluetooth meat thermometer - Most men grill. People are sick of the basic spatula that says, “#1 dad” on it. The Bluetooth meat thermometer will save them the headache of grilling, and that’s checking on the food constantly. The Bluetooth meat thermometer stays in the meat and connects to their smartphone, telling you exactly what the temperature is. No more going back and forth– The answer is right on their phone!

  3. 3. Magnetic tool bracelet - Most men build stuff. The inconvenience of trying to dig through the toolbox while you’re 7 feet in the air on a ladder is just too much. This helpful accessory is a true game changer for any dad, whether they build for their job or they just hang up pictures around the house every now and again.

  4. 4. Whiskey stones - Most men drink whisky. Whiskey cubes are the perfect gift for those boujie dads. This would be a super easy product to promote as “luxury” if you decided to go this route. Place these in the freezer for 2-4 hours, and your drink will never be watered down again. The taste that the stone brings is unique and delicious, any man would love these!

  5. 5. Acupuncture Therapy Slippers - Many men complain of pain. Acupuncture shoes are great for those dads out there that are on their feet most of the day (which is soooo many of them). These are designed to hit pressure points in the foot to relieve pain and allow for relaxation. Another item that would be so easy to promote as a luxury item!

  6. 6. Cupping massager - Again, many men complain of pain. Cupping massagers are unique pain-relieving products that change the game of relaxation. This product can save people hundreds of dollars! No need to go to the physical therapist every week. You can get grade-A treatment from the comfort of your own home!

Overall, these items are bound to make you big money, friends! People all over the world are on the hunt for unique and helpful gifts that their dads will actually love. Sell these products year-round, and really push your ads during Father’s Day and Christmas, and you’ve got yourself a million-dollar dropshipping biz. I can’t wait to see you at the top!



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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

Unleashing the TikTok Magic: Supercharge Your Business with These Winning Strategies

I get it… For some people, the thought of making a TikTok video is pure cringe. It can be quite awkward at first and, well, people can be mean and hateful for no good reason on the app. But, TikTok is THE most used app IN THE WORLD. Using this platform could be what blows your business up. It takes that one video, that one time, that changes the game for you. 

If you haven't hopped on the TikTok bandwagon yet, it's time to dive into the world of short-form video content and unlock the immense potential for your business. TikTok isn't just for dance challenges and lip-syncing; it's a powerful platform to connect with your audience, drive engagement, and skyrocket your brand awareness. 

  1. 1. Know Your TikTok Beat: Understanding the Platform's Pulse

Before diving in, take time to understand the unique rhythm and vibe of TikTok. Explore trending hashtags, popular challenges, and viral content to gain insights into what resonates with the TikTok community. By aligning with the platform's culture, you'll increase your chances of grabbing attention and going viral.

  1. 2. Get Creative: Show Off Your Brand's Personality

TikTok is all about creativity and self-expression. Embrace the platform's playful nature and let your brand's personality shine. Create original and entertaining content that showcases your products, services, or behind-the-scenes glimpses. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and surprise your audience with unexpected twists. 
Tip: People are more likely to view shorter videos! 

  1. 3. Master the Art of Storytelling: Hook, Line, and TikTok

Craft compelling narratives that hook your audience from the first second. Tell stories that captivate, entertain, or educate, and leave your viewers wanting more. Whether it's through using sounds, tutorials, or heartfelt moments, use storytelling techniques to build an emotional connection with your audience.

  1. 4. Join the Challenge: Embrace Viral Trends

Challenges are the lifeblood of TikTok. Jump on the bandwagon by participating in popular challenges that align with your brand. Put your unique spin on the challenge to stand out and grab attention. Engage with the TikTok community, collaborate with influencers, and watch your brand awareness skyrocket. 

  1. 5. Sound Magic: Soundtracking Your TikTok Journey

TikTok and catchy music go hand in hand. Utilize popular songs or audio snippets to amplify the impact of your videos. Choose music that resonates with your target audience and complements your content. But, you’re going to want to also make sure the sound is trending an popular! You are far more likely to get discovered this way. A well-chosen soundtrack can elevate your videos and make them instantly shareable.

  1. 6. Hashtag Mastery: Unlocking Visibility and Reach

Hashtags are the keys to unlock TikTok's vast audience. Research and use relevant hashtags to increase your video's visibility and reach. Strike a balance between popular hashtags and niche ones to target your ideal audience. Don't forget to create branded hashtags to strengthen your brand identity.

7. Engage and Interact: Building a TikTok Community

TikTok isn't just about creating content; it's about building a community. Respond to comments, engage with followers, and show appreciation for user-generated content related to your brand. Foster a sense of belonging and encourage your audience to be active participants in your TikTok journey.

  1. 8. Collaboration Nation: Teaming Up for Success

Collaborations are a powerful strategy to expand your reach and tap into new audiences. Identify influencers or complementary businesses and explore collaboration opportunities. Whether it's duets, joint challenges, or shoutouts, teaming up with others can supercharge your growth on TikTok.

Overall, with these strategies in your arsenal, you're well-equipped to make a splash on the platform and harness its immense potential for your business. Remember to stay authentic, have fun, and experiment with different content styles to find what resonates best with your audience. TikTok offers an unprecedented opportunity to connect! 

If you want even MORE tips and tricks just like this, click here to access my completely FREE masterclass that help you build more strategies for building and scaling your small business! 

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

4 Reasons Why Owning Your Own Business is the BEST 🌟

Owning your own biz is the new *thing* of 2023. People of all interests and expertise are finally taking the leap, and living out their absolute best life. From the thrill of chasing your passions to the freedom of creating your own destiny, being your own boss is seriously the best. I promise… I wouldn’t have it ANY other way!

I’m going to tell you just 4 of the MANY reasons why people are ditching their boring 9-5 and jumping into taking on their very own business (and why I did it, too!):

  1. 1. No More Uptight Bosses:

The stress of trying to impress your boss(es) and co-workers can be LONG gone. When you’re constantly being told what to do, it leaves virtually no creative space for you to actually do what you’re meant to do. It’s time to take your passions and turn them into a money-making company. The only person that’ll be telling you what to do is YOU!

2. Living the Dream (Your Dream!):

When you’re working for someone, you’re working to live out THEIR dream. Take matters into your own hands and start working for yourself and your wants. When you call the shots, you get to decide how long you work, how hard you work, where you work and everything in between. There are 31 MILLION entrepreneurs in the United States. If 31 million people can do it, so can YOU.

3. You Create the Rules, Honey

Ditch the cookie-cutter approach to the workspace and let your creativity run wild! Break free from the chains of conformity and carve a unique path that reflects your personality and values. Who says you can't start work at 2:00pm or take off 4 days a week? This is your show, and we’re all just working with the rules you give us as your customers/clients!


If you haven’t picked it up already, the absolute BEST part of owning your own business is the freedom it offers. Of course, there are going to be things you’ll have to do, but gone are the days when you have to adhere to the rules and expectations of others. Think about what your dream work-life looks like, and start building it… Because you *literally* get to when you’re a business owner!

Owning your own business is a wild and whimsical ride that unleashes the boss babe within you. From making your own schedule to choosing how hard you want to work on any given day, there are BIG benefits to being a business owner. Is it easy? Not always. Is it worth it? 1000000%. So, embrace your inner entrepreneur, follow your dreams, and let the magic of owning your own business lead you to a life filled with freedom, fulfillment, and success! Get ready to dance to the beat of your own business drum and become the star of your own show!

If this life sounds appealing to you, then you’re in the right place. My completely FREE masterclass gives you the tips and tricks to starting your very own business in the hottest money-making industry of 2023. If you want to start your own biz the easiest way possible, you won’t want to miss this!

Click HERE to secure your spot in the completely FREE masterclass!

Can’t wait to see you there!

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

6 Reasons Why Facebook Ads are so Helpful in Dropshipping

Listen, friends… Facebook may seem outdated and not used as much as other social sites, but when I tell you that this platform is the secret sauce to success in dropshipping, I MEAN IT.

With its massive user base and powerful targeting capabilities, Facebook Ads can help you drive traffic, increase sales, and take your dropshipping business to new heights. Yes, of course you’ll want to utilize other platforms such as Instagram and TikTok, but Facebook is definitely not the site you want to forget about.

Below are my top 6 reasons why Facebook Ads are SO important to use in your dropshipping biz:

  1. 1. MASSIVE Audience Reach:

Facebook boasts an enormous user base, with billions of active users worldwide (yes, still!). This means you have access to a vast pool of potential customers who can be targeted based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors. With such a wide reach, you can efficiently promote your dropshipping products to the right people at the right time.

2. Precise Targeting Options:

One of the biggest advantages of Facebook Ads is its sophisticated targeting options. As a dropshipper, you can narrow down your audience based on factors like age, gender, location, interests, and even specific behaviors. This level of precision allows you to create highly targeted campaigns that reach the most relevant audience, maximizing your chances of conversions.

3. Cost-Effective Advertising:

Compared to traditional advertising methods, Facebook Ads offer excellent cost-effectiveness. You have full control over your budget, and you can start with a modest investment. I always suggest starting out with $50 / day and running your ads in 3-day increments. You’ll want to make adjustments until you’re seeing consistent profit and sales after this!

4. Easy Ad Creation and Management:

Facebook Ads provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies the ad creation and management process. You can easily create eye-catching ads using images, videos, or carousel formats. The platform also offers helpful tools to optimize your campaigns, such as split testing different ad variations to identify the most effective strategies. With intuitive campaign management features, you can monitor your ad performance, make adjustments, and optimize your results.

5. Remarketing Opportunities:

One of the most powerful features of Facebook Ads for dropshippers is the ability to remarket to website visitors or previous customers. By installing the Facebook Pixel on your dropshipping website, you can track user behavior and create custom audiences. This enables you to retarget those who have shown interest in your products, increasing the likelihood of conversions and repeat purchases– Something other platforms may not offer!

6. Advanced Analytics and Insights:

Facebook Ads provides robust analytics and reporting tools that offer valuable insights into your campaign performance. You can track metrics such as click-through rates, conversions, and cost per acquisition, allowing you to make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns. With these analytics, you can continuously refine your targeting, messaging, and ad strategies to achieve better results.

Overall, Facebook Ads offer dropshippers a powerful and cost-effective way to reach their target audience, drive traffic to their online stores, and increase sales. With its massive user base, precise targeting options, easy ad creation and management, remarketing opportunities, and advanced analytics, Facebook Ads provide an unparalleled opportunity for dropshippers to grow their businesses. By harnessing the potential of this platform, you can take your dropshipping venture to new heights and unlock the success you've been working towards. Facebook is still totally “in,” friends! Utilize it to see those sales skyrocket!

Want to learn more about how to see BIG sales in your dropshipping business? Claim your spot in my completely FREE masterclass taking place each and every day JUST FOR YOU! Click here to schedule your class!



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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

5 Effective Strategies to Grow Your Email List 

For any business, having an email list where you can regularly contact potential and current customers is CRUCIAL. It’s a way to ensure your company isn’t forgotten about, and that customers can continue to come back to whatever you’re selling.

Getting people to sign up for your email list is the first step to gaining a new customer/client. It’s how you can get people to know about your company, and keep them in the loop each and every week. When you have more subscribers, you have more people that know about your company.

I am proud to say that over the past year, I have grown my email list to over 80,000 subscribers. Yep, that’s over 80,000 people who either are or potentially will be students of mine. Do I have people unsubscribe from my email list? OF COURSE. But, it still manages to keep growing each and every week.

So, here are my BEST tips for growing your email list to reach THOUSANDS of people that could be your customers/clients one day:

  1. 1. Include an incentive for people to sign up- People don’t like doing things “just because.” There needs to be a reason why they’d give you their email and want to receive weekly newsletters from you. It needs to be more than just learning info from you, but something they can use at that moment. Examples include discounts to your course/product/service, exclusive content that can be unlocked for them, freebies or samples, contests/giveaways. Any of these gets people excited to receive something in return for putting in their email.

  2. 2. Post consistently on social media- People are more likely to sign up for your email list if they know/trust you. The more you post about who you are and what your product is, the more likely people will feel comfortable being a part of your company. In addition to that, link your email list in your social media stories consistently, or even give people the opportunity to drop their email in a question box so you can add it manually! The more ways that people can sign up, the better!

  3. 3. Direct people to your email list consistently- Whenever you post, always always ALWAYS link an opportunity for people to sign up for your email. Like I said, the more opportunities you provide, the better!

  4. 4. Offer exclusive deals to those on your email list- Word gets around and people will share the pros/cons of signing up with their family and friends. If you aren’t providing anything helpful to those that are signed up for your email list, you’ll see more people leaving than coming. Regularly offer deals, discounts, and exclusive tips/tricks that help those in your group more than it does those that just follow your socials.

  5. 5. Keep your emails engaging and consistent- You shouldn’t ever send emails just to send them, but you should ensure that you’re being consistent. Make sure what you’re sending is out helpful and engaging, and send it on the same day at the same time each week. Another rule of thumb is to not send too many emails. We know that nothing gets people to unsubscribe from an email list quicker than seeing WAYYY too many emails in their inbox.

I promise, once that email list grows, so will your company. If this step succeeds, so will YOU. Keep pushing for this step and don’t let it get away from you… It’s of the utmost importance!

Oh, and just in case you haven’t joined the almost 60,000 others, sign up for my email list below to get EXCLUSIVE tips and tricks for how to grow your business to the next level. You’ll love being a part of the Madysen Media Group fam <3

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

5 Work-From-Home Jobs That are Making People TONS of Money

There was a great deal of negativity around covid. It’s hard to pull out the positives, but I will say that one great thing that came from it is people realizing the greatness of working from home. You don’t have to sit in traffic, go into the office, pack a lunch, miss appointments, and so on. You can make money on your couch, watching Love is Blind, sipping on wine at 4:00pm.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2022), between 2019 and 2021, the number of people primarily working from home tripled from 5.7% (roughly 9 million people) to 17.9% (27.6 million people). Want to know why this is? Because people are finally starting to understand that work CAN be done right from the comfort of their homes.

So, what are THE BEST options that anyone can start right now without any experience at all? I’ll tell you, friend!

5. Make downloadables to sell on Etsy- Unlike physical products, downloadable items don't require any shipping or handling, which means that you can keep your overhead costs low and maximize your profit margins. Additionally, by selling on Etsy, you gain access to a large and engaged audience of buyers who are actively looking for unique and high-quality digital products. Finally, the flexibility of the platform allows you to work from anywhere and set your own schedule, making it an ideal way to earn extra income or even start a full-time business.

4. Review products- There are several websites and platforms that allow you to review products and earn money, including:

  • - Amazon Vine: Amazon Vine is an invitation-only program that allows reviewers to receive free products in exchange for their honest reviews.

  • - ProductReportCard: ProductReportCard is a website that pays users to review products and participate in surveys.

  • - Swagbucks: Swagbucks is a rewards program that allows users to earn points by completing surveys, watching videos, and reviewing products.

  • - Influenster: Influenster is a platform that sends free products to users in exchange for their reviews and social media posts.

  • - UserTesting: UserTesting pays users to test websites, apps, and products and provide feedback.

To get started, you can sign up for these platforms and complete your profile. You may need to provide information about your demographics and interests to ensure that you receive products that are relevant to you. Once you receive products to review, make sure to provide honest and detailed feedback to maximize your earnings and build your reputation as a reliable reviewer.

3. Virtual Assistant- Being a virtual assistant is a great way to make money from home because it allows you to leverage your administrative and organizational skills to provide valuable support to businesses and entrepreneurs. As a virtual assistant, you can work from anywhere and set your own schedule, giving you the flexibility to balance your work and personal life.

Additionally, the demand for virtual assistants is growing as more businesses are transitioning to remote work and seeking skilled professionals to help them manage their administrative tasks. You can offer a wide range of services as a virtual assistant, such as email management, social media management, bookkeeping, and customer support, allowing you to tailor your services to your skills and interests. Finally, as you gain experience and build your reputation, you can increase your rates and even expand your business by hiring additional virtual assistants to work with you.

2. Create & sell Printify items on a Shopify store- Selling Printify items on a Shopify store can be a great way to start an online business because it allows you to create and sell custom-branded products without the need for inventory or manufacturing equipment. Printify is a print-on-demand service that connects with Shopify and allows you to create and sell your own designs on a variety of products, such as t-shirts, mugs, phone cases, and more. By using Printify, you don't have to worry about purchasing inventory upfront, storing it, or handling the shipping and fulfillment process. Printify takes care of everything for you, from printing your designs on the products to shipping them directly to your customers.

1. Dropshipping- This one is my favorite! With dropshipping, you simply set up an online store and partner with a supplier who will fulfill the orders for you. When a customer places an order on your website, the supplier will ship the product directly to the customer on your behalf. This means you don't have to invest in inventory upfront, freeing up your cash flow and reducing your overhead costs.

Additionally, you can run your dropshipping business from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection, which provides you with the freedom to work from home or travel while running your business. Finally, with the right marketing and optimization strategies, dropshipping can be a highly profitable business model that can generate a passive income stream for years to come.

All in all, working from home is the move. It’s time to ditch that in-person job and start making money right from home! Want to start building that income from your couch? Sign up for my completely free masterclass that will show you exactly how to get started!

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