8 Reasons Why I’m NOT a “Boss Babe”

“Boss Babe” is a term that I have seen many people use in recent years to describe hard-working, passionate, and driven women in the business world. When I picture a Boss Babe, I see Maryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada, Sandra Bullock in The Proposal, or even Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu (Sylvie) in Emily in Paris

These women are serious, take their work very seriously, and will do whatever it takes to reach the top of their careers. Their high heels and slicked-back, perfect pony-tailed hair make them appear threatening, and their attitude toward others lets us know that they, in fact, are threatening. 

Although it is true that I am a CEO, entrepreneur, and leader in my business, I have resisted adopting the boss babe persona for many reasons: 

  1. 1. My life is far more than my work 

    1. I could write a 10-page essay on this topic… But I’ll leave it at this– We’ve been brainwashed to think that the only way to find success is to work as hard as you possibly can for 30+ years. Then, when you’re tired and, well, old, you can finally enjoy the fruits of your labor. I mean, COME ON. We have one life, and I am dedicated to spending each year (especially my young years) as full as possible. Work is such a small part of life, and I’m going to continue to treat it that way! 

  2. 2. Climbing up the corporate ladder is too exhausting 

    1. Trying to prove yourself each and every day is mentally exhausting. Unhealthy feelings of fierce competition creep in and easily turn into defeating comparisons. If you know you’re great at something, YOU should be the only person you have to prove it to. When you’re constantly trying to impress people above you, you lose authenticity and even worse, lose vision on what truly matters outside of the workplace. 

  3. 3. I don’t care to deal with rude people all-day

    1. Going into an office and being a boss usually means you’re dealing with people. And if you’re above the age of 8, you know that people can be just flat-out nasty. From dealing with lazy employees to angry customers, I know for a fact that my time and energy can be far more useful elsewhere. The headache just isn’t worth it to me. 

  1. 4. Boss babes don’t vacation… And I like to travel 

    1. When you’re in the boss babe mindset, you are truly dedicated to your job. I hear about people that barely EVER take a vacation so they can prove themselves at work. Or, they don’t trust their employees to run the systems without them. That type of pressure is unhealthy. It’s good and okay to take breaks, and when you get in the habit of pushing yourself too hard, relaxing becomes almost impossible. 

  2. 5. Go into the office? Hard pass

    1. Now that I’ve been working from home for a few years, I would seriously NEVER go back into the office again. The fact that I can make a Target run at 2:00pm or watch Vanderpump Rules while responding to emails is just a life that I could never picture letting go of. And to have to sit in traffic again twice (or more)  a day… No thanks! 

  3. 6. The headaches aren’t worth it

    1. From the daily grind to always needing the next, better thing, I just don’t think the boss babe life is worth the headache. I make WAY more money than I did in my boss babe days, and I work far fewer hours and far less hard. Don’t get me wrong, I still work and I’m still dedicated, but my job is mostly money and not nearly as much craziness. 

  4. 7. Life’s too short for people to be scared of you

    1. A lot of the time, we relate “boss babe” to someone that is bossy, kind of rude, and extremely intimidating. I’ve realized that I am happier when I am helping people, teaching lessons, and having meaningful conversations. The harsh character really doesn’t make work (or life) fun for anyone. 

  5. 8. There are WAY easier ways to get rich 

    1. This is probably the most important lesson that I’ve ever learned in my life. If you had the choice of making $1,000,000 by working 60+ hours a week or making $1,000,000 by working 10 or less hours a week, I’m pretty confident that you’d choose option 2. The thing is… These ARE your options. These are both realities for so many people in the world, and it’s up to you to decide which reality you want to make yours. 

No hate to the boss babes out there, but when I realized that I can be just as successful as a boss babe by being a work-from-home-and-make-money-passively babe, I knew I could never go back. 

If you read this far, I hope you’ve realized that you absolutely CAN do this, too. This life is achievable, no matter who you are, and I’ll help you get there every step of the way. 

My completely FREE secret masterclass will show you how to go from exhausted employee to free and happy business owner in just a few short weeks. Click HERE to claim your spot, friend!




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