How to Enter Your Rich Girl Era: 8 Finance Tips Every Woman Needs to Start Doing NOW

Being in my “Rich Girl Era” has been literally the best time of my life. I am absolutely obsessed with the financial freedom that I have, and I love never having to worry about money again. 

But sis, entering your "rich girl era" isn't just about accumulating wealth; it's about taking control of your financial destiny and living a life of abundance. Whether you're just starting out on your financial journey or looking to level up your money game, these eight finance tips are tailored to help every woman step confidently into her own rich girl era.

8. Rule 100 - I saw a TikTok about this and fell in love with it. It was talked about by Alex Hormozi, a financial expert + entrepreneur, who states, “I use something called ‘Rule 100’ which is 100 primary actions, whether that’s 100 minutes of content creation per day, 100 reachouts per day, $100 of ads spent per day… You have to pick one of them, but 100 per day. And you do that for 100 days, and I promise you, you’ll be making 6-figures if you do that.” 

Seriously, such incredible advice from someone who has built their business from the ground up, now making millions of dollars from his company. If you don’t know where to start on your financial journey, start here. 

7. Eliminate what you can - I didn’t want to use the scary word, ‘budget,’ because I know how hard that can be. If budget isn’t in your vocabulary, let’s start somewhere smaller. Instead of trying to completely limit yourself on anything you buy, start with little things like canceling unnecessary subscriptions, getting water instead of 3 margs at lunch, limiting yourself to only 2 new clothing items per month… Whatever makes sense for you and your spending habits, start small and then work your way up to a more strict plan once you see your bank account looking healthier. 

6. Stop making excuses and start making time - I seriously live by the quote, “You make time for the things you want and excuses for the things you don’t.” It’s the truest statement I’ve ever come across. So, if you really want to start making big money, you HAVE to make time for change and improvement. I hate to tell you this, but money isn’t just going to appear magically in your bank account. YOU have to choose to take action; It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, but it does have to be something. 

5. Manifest it, sis - Manifesting works. I know it can feel strange and sound weird, but it seriously WORKS. Manifesting means you speak to yourself as if you already have the things you want. Saying things like, “I get everything I want” or “I attract good things.” When you start to speak to yourself like you are rich and like you already are living your dream life, crazy things will happen. Watch yourself turn into who you’ve always wanted to be when you speak as though you’re already that girl. 

4. Save each and every month - If you don’t have a savings right now or you don’t have much in that account, this is your sign to start. Saving each month is the only way you’ll be able to truly build up the finances you want. Even if you don’t have much to save, putting aside $100 a month can even make a difference. Once you start applying these other steps and start making more and more money, you’ll be able to put in a bigger chunk each month. A good rule of thumb is to save 20% of your monthly income!

3. Surround yourself with passionate + financially savvy people - My mom used to always say to me, “You are who you hang out with.” And it’s so true! I’m not telling you to ditch any of your current friends, but I do want to encourage you to start spending more time with people who align with your goals. If you want to start making $10K a month, ask a successful acquaintance to go out to lunch with you. I’m an introvert, so this can be quite uncomfortable for people like me, but just know that you will have things to talk about, and stepping out of your comfort zone is the first step to growing financially. 

2. Build multiple streams of income - Can’t stress it enough. Any millionaire you come across will tell you that they have multiple streams of income. Their money isn’t just coming from one place, friend. You can work a full-time job but still have something on the side. Or, you can have multiple side gigs that bring in your full income. Whatever it looks like to you, you NEED to have more than one place set up that you’re getting your money from. Pssst… My FREE masterclass is the perfect place to set this up. 

1. Set up a passive income stream - Building off of step 2, my #1 suggestion for entering your rich girl era is setting up a stream of passive income. That means you’re making money at any point of the day, not having to lift a finger. While you sleep, eat, work out, travel… You are making money. I’m telling you, making money without having to do practically anything in the process is the gateway to financial freedom. My FREE masterclass also tells you exactly how to establish this for yourself, bestie!

All in all, entering your rich girl era is about more than just accumulating wealth; it's about embracing financial empowerment and taking control of your financial future. By following even one of the given steps above, you can confidently step into a life of abundance and prosperity. Remember, every small step you take today contributes to the wealth and success you'll enjoy in your rich girl era down the road. Rooting for you!


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