6 Signs That You’re Ready to Quit Your Job

It’s always hard to walk away from something you feel comfortable in or have been doing for a while. There’s a lot of second-guessing, guilt, and even a bit of shame. There is a stamina around “quitting” anything, but I look at it more as advancing to the next chapter in your life rather than “giving up.”

Because I don’t know who needs to hear this, but leaving a job is okay. Knowing when you’re ready for something else is okay. Doing the same exact thing every day for over 30 years sounds miserable, and it’s not ideal for anyone who wants to live an exciting and fulfilling life. In fact, the average person changes jobs 3-7 times in their lifetime. So, if you’re considering leaving your job but are still on the fence, maybe this will help you.

Here are 6 signs that you’re ready to quit your job and start something new:

1. You think about leaving often.

If you’re daydreaming about leaving your job every week, that’s your mind telling you something. Think about when you meet that new person that you’ve been on a few dates with. You probably find yourself daydreaming about them because you genuinely like them. If you’re daydreaming about or thinking about leaving your job, it’s because it’s in your heart that it’s truly what you want.

2. Your mental health isn’t what you want it to be.

If you’ve seen a decline in your mental health recently, it might be due to your job. It’s what you do every day, so it is likely a contributor to why you’re feeling this way. If you find yourself agitated, irritable, tired, and just not as positive as you used to be, it might be time to reflect on your job and see what could be contributing to this.


3. You have a hard time waking up in the morning.

Feeling tired and unmotivated to go to your job is an indicator that your heart just isn’t in it anymore. I don’t know if anyone wakes up and sprints to their car to go to work, but if you’re having a hard time waking up and feeling excited or encouraged, then it might be time to consider other options.

4. You’re getting more and more agitated with the people you work with.

It’s a natural feeling to start getting irritated with your surroundings when something deeper is getting to you. If you’re starting to get more and more annoyed with people around you while you’re at work, it’s probably because you’ve started to recognize the things that don’t align with your values or who you are when you’re there.

5. You are mentally drained after work.

If you’re getting home from work and feeling absolutely drained, that’s a sign that you’re ready for a change. Work shouldn’t take everything out of you, and if it is, you’re missing out on everything else that life has to offer. Coming home and sitting on the couch for the rest of the night is great every now and again, but if you’re finding yourself craving this after each and every day, you’re letting your job pull away from opportunities that could make you a happier and more fulfilled person.

6. You’re feeling uninspired and unengaged.

Everyone has a creative side that keeps them inspired, curious, and engaged. If your job isn’t challenging you to bring this side out, it is probably leaving you feeling uninspired, unengaged, and unmotivated. You might find yourself getting bored in your position or having little desire to bring anything more to the table. If you connect with this, it may be time to find something that keeps your creative side intact and utilized.

Overall, remember that it’s okay to move on to something that better suits your wants and desired lifestyle. I totally understand feeling like leaving a job is scary because it gives you a sense of security and comfort once you’ve done it for a certain amount of time. But, know that making choices to improve your own life is imperative. You have ONE LIFE, and spending days working in a job that doesn’t make you happy is a waste of days that you could have spent doing what you truly love!

If you’re thinking about leaving a job but have no idea what to do next, dropshipping could be the perfect fit for you. This career allows you to work from anywhere in the world, earn passive income, and work only a few hours a week. Seriously, it completely transformed my life.

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