Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

Embrace the Freedom: 8 Reasons Why Working a 9-5 Isn’t It Anymore

Remember the good old days when working from 9 to 5 was the ultimate dream? Well, times have surely changed. In today's fast-paced world, the traditional 9-5 job looks far less desirable than a career that allows you to work on your own time, at your own pace. Want to know something fun? I’m writing this blog post at a resort in Mexico. Yeah, a 9-5 has never given me the ick as much as right now. So, let's kick off those office shoes, put on our comfy slippers, and explore eight reasons why working a 9-5 job isn't worth it anymore!

1. Say Goodbye to Rush Hour Traffic:

No matter where you’re at, we know that traffic after a long day of work is absolutely soul-draining. By ditching the 9-5 routine, you can wave goodbye to those endless hours stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Instead, picture yourself working comfortably from home or in a cozy cafe, sipping on your favorite beverage while saving precious time and sanity.

2. Flexibility is the New Norm:

Gone are the days when rigid schedules ruled our lives. Embracing alternative work arrangements, such as freelancing or remote work, offers a HUGE amount of flexibility. Want to hit the gym in the middle of the day or take a spontaneous road trip? No problem! With a flexible work schedule, you can design your day according to your needs AND your wants.

3. Pursue Your Passion Projects:

This one might be my favorite because it’s sooooo important! A 9-5 job can often take up the majority of your time, leaving you with little room to actually do the things you love and enjoy. However, breaking free from this routine allows you to chase your dreams and explore your passions. Whether it's starting a side hustle, writing that novel you've always dreamed of, or starting the be consistent with exercise, the world is your oyster and you absolutely should make time for these!

4. Work-Life Balance: Achieved!

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for our overall well-being (I literally cannot stress this enough). Escaping the constraints of a 9-5 job enables you to prioritize what truly matters: spending quality time with loved ones, engaging in hobbies, and taking care of yourself. Balancing work and personal life becomes more attainable when you have the freedom to create your own schedule.

5. Increased Productivity and Creativity:

Say goodbye to monotonous office routines and hello to enhanced productivity and creativity. For many people, being chained to a desk or an office space from 9 to 5 stifles their potential. By working on your own terms, you can harness your creativity during peak hours and optimize your productivity, leading to better results in less time.

6. Endless Opportunities for Learning:

The traditional 9-5 setup often restricts learning opportunities to a specific job role. They want you to perfect your skills in that specific role. But, on the other hand, breaking away from this norm opens up a world of possibilities. You can explore diverse fields, take online courses, attend workshops, or even travel to broaden your horizons. Embracing new experiences is a gateway to personal and professional growth.

7. The World is Your Office:

Imagine having the freedom to work from anywhere in the world! With the rise of remote work, you can escape the confines of a traditional office and set up your laptop at a beachside cafe, a cozy mountain cabin, or a bustling city street. Embrace the digital nomad lifestyle and let the world become your office playground (psttt… It’s literally THE BEST).

8. Be the Captain of Your Own Ship:

Last but not least, escaping the 9-5 grind allows you to be the leader of your own dreams. You are no longer at the mercy of someone else's vision or goals. By pursuing your work-from-home career, you can carve your own path, make your own rules, and truly shape your career (and life!) on your terms.

Friend, hear me out… The world is evolving, and so are our work preferences. While a 9-5 job may have been the standard once, it's no longer the only option. Embrace the freedom and flexibility that the modern world offers and start living your life freely!

Love how this sounds but don’t know where to start? My free masterclass can show you one of the most desired options to work from anywhere in the world. Sign up to learn more here!

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

The Importance of Customer Service in Dropshipping: Tips for Success

Because dropshipping is so off-hands, it makes the on-hands part that much more imperative. When it’s time for that company-to-customer communication, it’s of the upmost importance to ensure it’s at a 5-star level.

So, why is customer service important in dropshipping?

Builds Customer Loyalty: Great customer service can go a long way in building customer loyalty. When a customer has a positive experience with your business, they are more likely to return in the future and recommend your business to others.

Increases Customer Retention: According to research, it costs five times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one. By providing excellent customer service, you can increase the likelihood of customer retention and minimize the need to constantly acquire new customers.

Boosts Reputation: Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool. By providing great customer service, you can boost your reputation and generate positive reviews, which can in turn attract more customers to your business.

Tips for Success in Dropshipping Customer Service

Be Responsive: It's important to be responsive to customer inquiries and concerns. Make sure to respond promptly to emails, messages, and comments, and provide clear and helpful responses. I recommend having a 24-hour response time, at the least.

Be Professional: Remember that your business is a representation of yourself. Always maintain a professional and courteous demeanor when interacting with customers.

Offer Free Shipping and Returns: Offering free shipping and returns can be a great way to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Provide Accurate Product Descriptions: Make sure your product descriptions are accurate and detailed to prevent misunderstandings and dissatisfaction.

Communicate Delays or Issues: If there are any delays or issues with a customer's order, make sure to communicate this to them promptly and offer a resolution.

Personalize Your Interactions: Personalize your interactions with customers by using their name and offering personalized recommendations and solutions.

Follow Up: Follow up with customers after their purchase to ensure they are satisfied with their experience and offer assistance if needed.

Overall, customer service is a critical aspect of success in dropshipping. By prioritizing customer satisfaction and implementing the above tips, you can build customer loyalty, increase customer retention, and boost your business's reputation. Remember that great customer service can differentiate your business from competitors and lead to long-term success!

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

How to Make $100k by July

Ahhh, summer. It’s that time of the year when we celebrate people for the big roles they play in our lives. From Mother’s Day to Father’s Day, love is in the air for everyone to express their gratitude to the people that have been most influential in their lives. 

So, what does that mean for you? Well, $MONEY$ of course! These are insanely high-profit months for dropshippers because almost everyone in America is celebrating these holidays. And what do people do on these days of appreciation? They buy gifts. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to landing HUGE profit as these days approach: 

  1. 1. Go to TikTok and search either “gift guide for mom” or “gift guide for dad.” Here, you will find SO many amazing ideas for items that you can choose as a product to call your own. Find a product that solves some type of issue and can be useful or meaningful to a mom or dad out there. 

  1. 2. Find the product on and check its reviews. Look through customer feedback to ensure it’s a reliable item that people have been happy with. Keep searching for similar products until you’ve found one with at least 4.7 stars or higher. Then, reach out to the supplier and ask if they support dropshipping. 

  1. 3. Once you get the green light from an AliExpress supplier, go to Shopify and start a free trial to build a website. This is where you’re going to build your brand and sell your product for at least 3-6x the original AliExpress cost. 

  1. 4. Go to Billo or reach out to micro-influencers to get some user-generated content to get your product and brand out there. Usually, you can get people to make a video for free if you send them free products! However, if you have to pay a few dollars, that will be no big deal in a few weeks ;) 

  1. 5. Set up Facebook and Tiktok ads to start promoting your product specifically for Mothers Day and Fathers Day. Not sure where you start? I’ll walk you through this process step-by-step! 

And, that’s it! In no time, you’ll be seeing money FLOW in! Want to learn more about my proven dropshipping strategy? Join my Free Masterclass Here!

Disclaimer: MDD does not guarantee any future earnings/income.

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

9 Tools You Need For Your Dropshipping Business

As the world of dropshipping grows, so do the amount of websites/extensions you could potentially use for your business. Some are unnecessary and may make life a bit more difficult, and some you NEED to have in order for your systems to function and run smoothly. 

I’ve tried just about everything when it comes to dropshipping. My dropshipping business brings in multiple six-figures each year, and trust me when I say, I’ve tried ALLL the things.

With this, I’ve found what works and what doesn’t. So, here are 8 of my must-have websites/platforms that I use for my dropshipping brands:

Shopify: This e-commerce platform is a popular choice for dropshippers because of its user-friendly interface and customizable options.

Debutify: This tool allows your website to have an appealing and eye-catching theme. Your website is a huge make-or-break factor to your company, so it’s absolutely essential that it looks good and catches your audience’s attention. 

AliExpress: This online marketplace is a go-to for many dropshippers because of its extensive selection of products and affordable prices.

Google Analytics: This free tool allows you to track website traffic and gain insights into customer behavior.

Canva: This graphic design platform is helpful for creating eye-catching visuals and branding materials for your business.

Klaviyo: This is my go-to for email marketing! You can set up welcome emails, abandoned cart automations, and more to make sure you’re never missing out on a sale.

Grammarly: This browser extension helps with grammar and spelling, ensuring that your website content is error-free and professional. If you don’t have correct grammar throughout your website, your brand seems far less trustworthy. 

Google Trends: This tool allows you to see what topics and products are trending in your industry, helping you stay on top of market trends.

Gmail: You’re going to want to purchase & set up an email with your business’s domain. Creating an email such as instead of makes you look more trustworthy, professional and legitimate. 

Social media platforms: Websites such as Instagram, TikTok and Facebook are important for building a social media presence and reaching potential customers.

Of course, the specific tools and websites that you will need may vary based on your business needs and goals. However, this list provides a good starting point for those looking to launch a successful dropshipping business.

Want to learn more? Join my completely FREE masterclass to learn how to start your very own dropshipping business today.

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

7 Mistakes to Avoid With Dropshipping

Starting your own dropshipping business can go really well or really…. Not well. It really just depends on how much you put in before you launch your business. Who are you learning from? Are you doing enough research? Is your product win-worthy? 

Overall, it’s more than just picking a product, picking a supplier and then launching your store. There are plenty of mistakes that could be made along the way. Running a course and consistently offering support to over 1,000 students, I’ve seen every mistake that could possibly be made. 

Mistakes are made to be learned from, friends! That’s why I wanted to make this list of the most common missteps that I’ve seen as people launch and run their own dropshipping business, so you can surely avoid them!

  1. Rushing into choosing a product - I totally understand that excitement and eagerness to get started and get that ball rolling. It’s thrilling and normal to become impatient! However, this is a step that is crucial to take your time on. If you rush into finding a product, you’ll likely run into multiple bumps in the road along the way, and then eventually run into a complete stop. Read my blog post on the top 10 niches for dropshipping in 2023 to learn more! 

  2. Choosing a niche that is oversaturated - Winning in the dropshipping industry is all about being a unique brand. When your niche is too saturated and your product is everywhere, it’s way more difficult to catch people’s attention to get them on your site. Do your research and ensure that your product is a happy medium between trending and oversaturated. 

  3. Poor website/ad design - If you’re not the artsiest person, it may be helpful to hire someone with experience. You can find graphic designers through Fiver or Upwork to create your webpage and/or ads. Your ads are going to be your main point of sales. People need to be drawn to your ads and they need to look trustworthy and appealing. When they click on your site, they need to be wowed by what they see. It should have an aesthetic appeal that connects to your target audience. 

  4. Not testing your products yourself - ALWAYS purchase your product before creating your site, filing your LLC, and moving forward with your choice. I have seen far too many people jump the gun and move forward with their product choice only to receive their product from their chosen supplier and be disappointed as ever. The only thing more defeating than receiving a product that doesn’t meet your expectations is having to completely start over on all of the work you put in. Again, patience is so important in the beginning stages of dropshipping! 

  5. Moving forward with an unreliable supplier - Especially if you’re going through AliExpress or other intentional websites, you can sometimes run into suppliers that are a bit, well, sketchy. Make sure that the supplier you’re moving forward with can easily communicate and answers your questions when necessary. Truthfully, they are the backbone of your company and you HAVE to be able to rely on them.

  6. Having unrealistic expectations - Yes, it’s true that dropshipping is a really easy business model to run. HOWEVER, that easiness starts to take place after work is put in. Dropshipping truly does require that hard work to be put in upfront. It’s not something you can just half-a** and hope for the best. Researching, setting up, and getting your systems in place is extremely essential to that smooth-sailing stage. You’ll get there, you just need to trust the process! 

  7. Not having support - As with any business, you are very likely to have questions or concerns along the way of starting up. Having a community where you can ask questions and get support is essential and makes the process so much easier. There are multiple courses and/or Facebook groups that you can join to find yourself a community of others in your same shoes. If you don’t know where to look, check out my dropshipping course with over 1,000 students who support and help one another each and every day! 

Overall, don’t be afraid of running into bumps in the road, but do be aware of these mistakes that everyone should avoid to have the smoothest start to their new business! 

In conclusion, dropshipping can be a lucrative and rewarding business, but it requires careful planning and execution. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase your chances of success and build a profitable business.

Want to learn more about dropshipping? Check out my Free Dropshipping Masterclass!

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

How to Find a Reliable Supplier for Your Dropshipping Business

Having a good supplier is going to be a HUGE part of the success of your company. In reality, the supplier is doing most of the backend work of your business, so you need to think of them almost as your business partner. They need to be reliable when it comes to communication, any customer service issues, proper packaging, reasonable shipping, and creating a 5-star product. 

Let’s be honest… AliExpress suppliers can be iffy. Because most of them are overseas, the language barrier can surely get in the way of having a strong communication system. However, it’s important that you take the time to get to know them and understand their expectations of you and yours of them. I HIGHLY recommend that you don’t just start working with anyone who responds and says they support dropshipping. Have a conversation, order their product, and ask questions! 

Here are 5 easy steps to be more sure that you’re working with a trustworthy supplier: 

  1. 1. Read the ratings and reviews! - No but really, READ THROUGH THEM! It’s important to not just look at how many stars they have, but also truly know the feedback that they’re being given. People could be rating the product great, but making sure there are no red flags about the supplier in the comments is just as important. 

  1. 2. Ask the supplier questions- Stop worrying so much about being annoying or bothering them! It’s good to ask questions. As stated earlier, the supplier of your business is going to practically be your business partner. You want to ensure you’re on the same page before you even get started with them! If you don’t ask those questions, you could run into some serious issues down the road that could shake your entire business. 

  1. 3. Order the product for yourself- This is absolutely essential. You need to see what the experience is like from the customer’s POV. This experience will be very telling and will show you what the shipping times are like, what the packing is like, and what the overall quality of the product is. I truly believe you should do this before moving forward with anything else!

  1. 4. Look for certifications- Some suppliers on AliExpress have certifications that can help you determine their legitimacy. Look for suppliers who have been verified by AliExpress or who have certifications like “Gold Supplier”. This indicates that they have been in business for a while and have a good reputation.

  1. 5. Trust your gut- This one is super important. If you don’t feel good about the supplier you’re in contact with, it’s probably best to move on. If it’s hard to talk to them or they are sort of dancing around your questions, you likely don’t have the right fit. Don’t fret– There are THOUSANDS of other suppliers out there!

Overall, dropshipping on AliExpress can be a great way to start your online business, but it’s important to choose a legitimate supplier. Look for positive reviews, good communication skills, reasonable shipping times, certifications, and test the products yourself. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to finding a great supplier for your dropshipping business. Happy selling!

Check out my FREE Dropshipping Masterclass to learn more about starting your own dropshipping business.

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Madysen Glynn Madysen Glynn

Top 10 Dropshipping Niches

One of my most asked questions is, “What makes a winning product?” It’s not always so cut and dry, since trends are constantly changing and target audience has more to do with a successful product than most other factors. 

But, with that being said, selecting a popular and trending niche can be what makes the difference between your business being successful and it not working out. Believe me, I’ve had to go through the trial-and-error process multiple times before I found true success in my dropshipping business.

The MOST important thing you’ll want to do before sticking with a product is to RESEARCH. Yes, this blog post can be one step in your research process, but you also want to look at reviews of the product you’re interested in, check out current Facebook ads for the product, watch TikTok videos of people using the product, and more. The more you know about the product, the better off you are!

But let me help you with some ideas, because that can be the absolute most difficult part of dropshipping– just finding a place to start. There are literally BILLIONS of products to choose from, but you’ll want to select something that you have interest in yourself, and others would find value in as well. 

SO, *drumroll please*, here are the 10 BEST niches that are popular and trending so far in 2023: 

10. Car Accessories - When people don’t have the thousands of dollars to purchase a new and more modern car, they can deck it out with the most popular and helpful accessories that make their car feel up-to-date and unique. With traveling on the rise, people are spending more and more time in their car. Therefore, people are purchasing products to make traveling easier, cleaner, and safer. 

9. Outdoor gear - Instagram & TikTok helped portray the beauty of the great outdoors. With stunning views being found all around the world, people are excited for the adventure that the outside has to offer. From hiking to camping to just chillin’ in the sun, there are so many amazing products that help with having the best experience as people become one with nature. 

8. Kitchen tools - Home recipes are on the rise. However, there are so many people that are itching for a more efficient way to make their meals at home. Using a knife can be intimidating. The heat can be dangerous. The kitchen gets messy too quickly. There are SO many products that help with the many issues people run into while cooking. 

7. Home office products - If anything is “trending” in 2023, it’s working from home. People everywhere are realizing that driving to an office is not a necessity any longer. Did you know that in 2020, desk sales increased by over 60%, and office chair sales increased by 74%? People are building their home offices every day and want to make them organized and structured. There are thousands of products out there that do just that!

6. Baby products - Ask any mother out there and they’ll say that the number one thing that they care about in their world is their children. Moms will do anything to ensure their child is safe, healthy and taken care of. But parenting is hectic, friends. So if the product doesn’t help the baby specifically, it can help the parent. From diaper bags to sound machines, there are a HUGE list of products that you can choose from to make any parent’s life easier. 

5. Tech Accessories - We are in the 21st century (in case you didn’t already know that, lol). Therefore, almost everything that we do is through technology. With this industry constantly evolving, the next best thing is always right around the corner. Finding a product that wows the crowd but will stay in style for the next few years could get you BIG money. This industry is a very profitable one. 

4. Beauty products - Beauty products are a pretty safe option for anyone that wants to get into dropshipping. Products are continuously advancing and women, specifically, will spend loads of $$$ of products that make them look better, younger and more radiant. 

The problem with this niche, however, is the products get saturated quickly, so it’s a bit more difficult to stick out. Additionally, to stay away from legal issues, you don’t want to select topical products that may irritate someone’s skin. 

3. Health & Wellness products - Healthy living is becoming more and more popular around the country. People everywhere are starting to expose what’s really in our food and products, and a healthier alternative sounds better and better every day. Not only is this is favored niche, but you can also feel good about selling your products, as they’re helpful to your customers no matter what! 

2. Eco-friendly products - Similar to health & wellness products, eco-friendly products are on the up and up BIG TIME! With more awareness being spread about harmful plastics, chemicals and substances everywhere, people want to start making a small but positive impact on the world by using eco-friendly products. 

1. Pet products - Pets are the buzz in 2023. With more and more places becoming pet-friendly, people feel more comfortable taking in a furry friend of their own. Because these little bundles of joy are so loveable and cute, pet owners want to ensure their pet is healthy, safe, clean and loved every step of the way. Unique pet products are a huge hit right now and can be a perfect niche for anyone who has a pet of their own! 

Overall, you want to find a product that not only solves an issue for a specific population, but is also something that you’d be a customer for yourself. Don’t just go with “pet products” because it’s number one on this list when you don’t own a pet yourself. Go with something you’re passionate about and feel good selling! This list is your starting point to finding your winning product that will get you the big bucks. We can’t wait to see which product you choose! 

Check out my Free Masterclass to learn more about building your OWN wildly profitable dropshipping business.

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