How to Find a Reliable Supplier for Your Dropshipping Business

Having a good supplier is going to be a HUGE part of the success of your company. In reality, the supplier is doing most of the backend work of your business, so you need to think of them almost as your business partner. They need to be reliable when it comes to communication, any customer service issues, proper packaging, reasonable shipping, and creating a 5-star product. 

Let’s be honest… AliExpress suppliers can be iffy. Because most of them are overseas, the language barrier can surely get in the way of having a strong communication system. However, it’s important that you take the time to get to know them and understand their expectations of you and yours of them. I HIGHLY recommend that you don’t just start working with anyone who responds and says they support dropshipping. Have a conversation, order their product, and ask questions! 

Here are 5 easy steps to be more sure that you’re working with a trustworthy supplier: 

  1. 1. Read the ratings and reviews! - No but really, READ THROUGH THEM! It’s important to not just look at how many stars they have, but also truly know the feedback that they’re being given. People could be rating the product great, but making sure there are no red flags about the supplier in the comments is just as important. 

  1. 2. Ask the supplier questions- Stop worrying so much about being annoying or bothering them! It’s good to ask questions. As stated earlier, the supplier of your business is going to practically be your business partner. You want to ensure you’re on the same page before you even get started with them! If you don’t ask those questions, you could run into some serious issues down the road that could shake your entire business. 

  1. 3. Order the product for yourself- This is absolutely essential. You need to see what the experience is like from the customer’s POV. This experience will be very telling and will show you what the shipping times are like, what the packing is like, and what the overall quality of the product is. I truly believe you should do this before moving forward with anything else!

  1. 4. Look for certifications- Some suppliers on AliExpress have certifications that can help you determine their legitimacy. Look for suppliers who have been verified by AliExpress or who have certifications like “Gold Supplier”. This indicates that they have been in business for a while and have a good reputation.

  1. 5. Trust your gut- This one is super important. If you don’t feel good about the supplier you’re in contact with, it’s probably best to move on. If it’s hard to talk to them or they are sort of dancing around your questions, you likely don’t have the right fit. Don’t fret– There are THOUSANDS of other suppliers out there!

Overall, dropshipping on AliExpress can be a great way to start your online business, but it’s important to choose a legitimate supplier. Look for positive reviews, good communication skills, reasonable shipping times, certifications, and test the products yourself. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to finding a great supplier for your dropshipping business. Happy selling!

Check out my FREE Dropshipping Masterclass to learn more about starting your own dropshipping business.


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