5 Effective Strategies to Grow Your Email List 

For any business, having an email list where you can regularly contact potential and current customers is CRUCIAL. It’s a way to ensure your company isn’t forgotten about, and that customers can continue to come back to whatever you’re selling.

Getting people to sign up for your email list is the first step to gaining a new customer/client. It’s how you can get people to know about your company, and keep them in the loop each and every week. When you have more subscribers, you have more people that know about your company.

I am proud to say that over the past year, I have grown my email list to over 80,000 subscribers. Yep, that’s over 80,000 people who either are or potentially will be students of mine. Do I have people unsubscribe from my email list? OF COURSE. But, it still manages to keep growing each and every week.

So, here are my BEST tips for growing your email list to reach THOUSANDS of people that could be your customers/clients one day:

  1. 1. Include an incentive for people to sign up- People don’t like doing things “just because.” There needs to be a reason why they’d give you their email and want to receive weekly newsletters from you. It needs to be more than just learning info from you, but something they can use at that moment. Examples include discounts to your course/product/service, exclusive content that can be unlocked for them, freebies or samples, contests/giveaways. Any of these gets people excited to receive something in return for putting in their email.

  2. 2. Post consistently on social media- People are more likely to sign up for your email list if they know/trust you. The more you post about who you are and what your product is, the more likely people will feel comfortable being a part of your company. In addition to that, link your email list in your social media stories consistently, or even give people the opportunity to drop their email in a question box so you can add it manually! The more ways that people can sign up, the better!

  3. 3. Direct people to your email list consistently- Whenever you post, always always ALWAYS link an opportunity for people to sign up for your email. Like I said, the more opportunities you provide, the better!

  4. 4. Offer exclusive deals to those on your email list- Word gets around and people will share the pros/cons of signing up with their family and friends. If you aren’t providing anything helpful to those that are signed up for your email list, you’ll see more people leaving than coming. Regularly offer deals, discounts, and exclusive tips/tricks that help those in your group more than it does those that just follow your socials.

  5. 5. Keep your emails engaging and consistent- You shouldn’t ever send emails just to send them, but you should ensure that you’re being consistent. Make sure what you’re sending is out helpful and engaging, and send it on the same day at the same time each week. Another rule of thumb is to not send too many emails. We know that nothing gets people to unsubscribe from an email list quicker than seeing WAYYY too many emails in their inbox.

I promise, once that email list grows, so will your company. If this step succeeds, so will YOU. Keep pushing for this step and don’t let it get away from you… It’s of the utmost importance!

Oh, and just in case you haven’t joined the almost 60,000 others, sign up for my email list below to get EXCLUSIVE tips and tricks for how to grow your business to the next level. You’ll love being a part of the Madysen Media Group fam <3


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