How To Use Social Media to Get Sales

Social media is one of the biggest marketing tools that you can use for your business, no matter what your industry is. I have watched my social media grow exponentially, and along with that, my sales have grown as well. 

In fact, my dropshipping company is a multi-million dollar business, and guess what? Most of my traffic comes solely from social media. 

With strategy, keeping up with trends, and a ton of research, I have watched my social media platforms reach millions of people, and a percentage of these people have turned into customers. 

It wasn’t by chance.

It wasn’t by luck. 

And it wasn’t just a few times. 

I have discovered ways to build my platform each and every day, so my sales continue to grow, even when I go a few days without posting or I take a break from the social media world. 

And now, I’ve developed a Weekly Trend Report subscription so you can follow in my exact footsteps. Yep, I’m sending you weekly updates on the best trends that are skyrocketing across different platforms. It’s the ticket to generating tons of sales while growing your brand. 

Here are just a few tips on social media that I’ve used that have helped my platform grow: 

  1. 1. Value-based posting: I don’t like to post just to get something out there. I believe in quality over quantity when it comes to social media. You’ll see everywhere that people recommend posting each and every day, but I actually suggest the opposite. If you can’t come up with something that’s educational, entertaining, or relatable, it’s okay to skip a post for the day and think of something better tomorrow. 

  2. 2. Staying on-brand: It’s rare that you’ll see me post anything outside of my business. I have one mission, and I stay extremely consistent with my posts in order to accomplish that. So, if you want to post a video about the Taylor Swift concert you went to or that really good restaurant you just ate at, consider saving that for your personal account instead of your business platform. 

  3. 3. Use keywords in your posts: Research some similar keywords that you’ve come across that relate to your niche. Within your posts, use those keywords to ensure you’re more discoverable when people are searching for topics related to what you’re trying to sell. Use these keywords in captions, texts on your posts, your bio, and hashtags. These go SUCH a long way when you use them correctly and accurately. 

But these tips above can only go so far. Keeping up with trends and algorithm changes is the key to unlocking your potential on social media. So, if you’re ready to level up your sales and overall business, CLICK HERE to sign up for weekly trend reports, my friend! 

I can’t wait to see you at the top!


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