4 Reasons Why you Don’t Need a Meaningful and Rewarding Job 

I know– The title is a bit offsetting for most people. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe that we as humans shouldn’t be helpful or giving, but I do think it shouldn’t be a necessity when it comes to your job. I talk to so many people who are scared to leave professions like real estate, teaching, nursing, planning, and more who simply don’t want to seek other jobs because they aren’t as impactful, despite the fact that they're exhausted, underpaid, and undervalued. 

I’ll be the person to say it– You don’t need to have a meaningful or rewarding job. Here’s why: 

  1. 1. You work for money - Let’s be real here. We all have to work in order to make money. We need money in order to survive, so we get up most days before we really want to, sit in that traffic that drives us crazy, and do that job that pays us once or twice a month. Work is to get money, and everything else should be what you do to find happiness and fulfillment. 

That’s not to say that your job shouldn’t make you happy. You should absolutely NEVER work in an industry that you genuinely don’t enjoy, however, your job should be the fuel to the fire you have for life, giving you what you need to be able to do all of the things you love outside of work. 

  1. 2. Do you want your job to be meaningful, or do you want YOU to be meaningful? A job title is just that– A title. When we hear nurse, we think of someone caring, supportive, and nurturing. But we know that there are thousands of nurses out there who are harsh, demanding, and insensitive. That’s because it’s not a requirement to be kindhearted to be a nurse. As long as you’re qualified and pass some interviews, you’ve got the job. 

My point is that so many people go into a career because it’s known to be meaningful or rewarding. But the reality is that only holds true if you, yourself make sure to act on those things. And guess what? You can do that outside of your job. If you love to care for the sick, there are plenty of volunteer opportunities working with people in hospice or reading to children who are suffering from a life-threatening illness. If you love being around kids, you can help your neighbors with babysitting on the weekends. If you love to make people feel special, you can make it a priority to send a sincere message to a friend or family member each week. It’s the choices we make each day that are meaningful and rewarding, not our job title. 

  1. 3. Making money IS important - Listen, I know. Money really isn’t everything. But let me tell you, it’s definitely something. The reason why people push having a “rewarding job” on you is so you can be convinced that you should actually do it. They make you think the money isn’t necessary until you’re looking at your bank account trying to figure out how in the world you’re going to pay your next bill. 

We hear of so many people in these types of professions getting burnt out and wanting to do something more with their lives. Isn’t it strange how rarely we hear people making 6 figures wanting to try another avenue? That’s because when the money is nice, other things are nice too. With money, you get to travel, buy the things you want, do experiences you enjoy, live in your dream house and so much more. I know it might sound greedy, but money really does matter, no matter what anyone else has to say. 

  1. 4. You are so much more than your job - You know when you first meet someone and they ask, “So, what do you do?” Isn’t it crazy that we always answer with what we do for our job? That’s because we live in a world where we are so used to making our job our entire identity. We fill our lives with work to the point where we answer “What do you do?” with a job title. 

Wouldn’t it be nicer if we could actually explain who we are outside of our job title? We could say, “I run marathons” or “I travel the world” instead of leading a conversation with something that is such a small part of our lives (or at least should be). Don’t make your job your identity, friend. 

Overall, there are plenty of opportunities out there that can make you feel meaningful and like you’ve done something rewarding. You can help your neighbors, volunteer, send nice messages to your friends, pay for someone’s groceries, help out at your kid’s school… The list goes on and on. Don’t put your worth into your career– You are SO much more than a job, my friend. Work to get that money. Live to make you & those you love happy.


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