10 Reasons Why I Quit My Real Estate Career

After deciding that attending a 4-year university just wasn’t for me, I did what many people that are unsure of their next step do– Join real estate. I knew I would be good at real estate once I got the hang of things. I have grit, passion and dedication. But what I was lacking was the ability to let work consume my life. I simply just couldn’t do it any longer, and I absolutely despised how real estate had you working long hours, weekends, and on everyone else’s time. Can it be good money? Yes. But, what is money when you have no time to spend it and no one to spend it with? I knew I needed out, and here are just a few reasons why: 

  1. 1. High Stress Levels:

Real estate can be a high-pressure environment, with demanding clients, tight deadlines, and constant market fluctuations. The relentless stress began to take a toll on my mental and emotional well-being, making it challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

  1. 2. Market Volatility:

Real estate is subject to cyclical changes, and economic downturns can significantly impact the industry. The unpredictable nature of market fluctuations led me to question the stability and security of my career in the long term.

  1. 3. Time Commitment:

Being successful in real estate often requires working long hours, including evenings and weekends, to accommodate clients' schedules. This demanding time commitment began to encroach on my personal life, leaving me feeling exhausted and disconnected from my loved ones on a constant basis. In the long run, it just wasn’t worth it to me. 

  1. 4. Inconsistent Income:

Real estate agents often rely on commissions, which can lead to inconsistent and unpredictable income. The feast-or-famine nature of the business made it challenging to plan for the future and build a stable financial foundation. Money comes big, but not very often. So, worrying about when I’m getting paid next was always an issue. 

  1. 5. Ethical Concerns:

While the majority of real estate professionals maintain high ethical standards, I encountered instances where unethical practices were prevalent in the industry. Witnessing these practices eroded my trust and left me questioning my alignment with an industry that seemed driven by profit above all else. It is an extremely competitive field, which, unfortunately, brought out the worst in some people. 

  1. 6. Limited Control:

As an agent, I realized that my success was often dependent on external factors beyond my control, such as market conditions and client decisions. This lack of control over my professional destiny left me feeling disempowered and seeking something that gave me a more consistent income. 

  1. 7. Lack of Personal Fulfillment:

Over time, I discovered that real estate didn't align with my personal passions and interests. While the industry provides opportunities to help people find homes or invest in properties, I found myself wanting to make an impact outside of work. I felt that spending more time with my family, friends, and the community was more important that trying to make a “difference” in selling real estate. 

  1. 8. Constant Hustle:

Real estate demands consistent hustle and self-promotion to stay competitive. The pressure to continually generate leads, secure listings, and close deals became exhausting. It is EXTREMELY hard work, and it wasn’t worth it to me when the money was a question as to whether or not it would actually be there. 

  1. 9. SO much competition:

In an industry with THOUSANDS of people with crazy amounts of experience, it was difficult to make a name for myself when the competition was everywhere you turned. Obviously, someone is going to want to work with an agent that has wild success over an agent that just started 4 months ago. Being in a constant state of competition was unhealthy on my nervous system and drained me mentally. 

  1. 10. New Opportunities:

Ultimately, leaving real estate opened doors to explore new opportunities and pursue a different career path that aligned more closely with my evolving interests and aspirations. It allowed me to embrace personal growth and find a sense of fulfillment beyond what the real estate industry could provide.

Deciding to leave the real estate industry can be a challenging and deeply personal choice. In my case, a combination of factors, including high-stress levels, market volatility, and limited control, led me to embark on a different professional journey. It's essential to listen to your own needs and aspirations, recognizing that life is too short to remain in a career that no longer brings you joy or fulfills your purpose. Whatever path you choose, may it lead you to a place of fulfillment and contentment.

I was lucky enough to come across the AMAZING industry of dropshipping, where I have full control over when I work, where I work, and how much I work. I make lightyears more than I made as an agent and work far less. I am finally able to live my life for ME and not for clients. Feeling free is an understatement, and I hope everyone else is able to feel this in their lives as well. 

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