7 Tips to Get More Engagement on Your Business Instagram

It’s no secret that Instagram is an art, and there really are secret tips and tricks that people need to know if they ever want to grow on the platform.

Especially when starting from scratch (like all of us do at some point), it’s important to know what tasks need to be tackled once your account is up and running.

In just a few months, I grew my Instagram following to over 100K. Let me tell you, it wasn’t by chance or luck… It was by knowing what needed to be done to get more engagement and keep people interested enough to continue following my account!

Here are 7 of my BEST tips and tricks for how to grow your following and get more engagement on your Instagram platform:

  1. 1. Post consistently, BUT NOT TOO MUCH! I know you’ve probably heard the “post consistently” advice time and time again. Yes, it is necessary to be present on the app if you want to grow. However, it is a huge misconception that you need to post each and every day. When I see businesses do this, it shows that they’re just posting to post… They’re not pushing out quality content.

When you’re posting for quantity and not quality, people get bored and think, “Why am I following this account anyways?” That’s when they’ll unfollow your account because, in that moment, they didn’t feel a true purpose from your post. Overall, it’s important to keep things relevant while staying consistent and posting regularly. I suggest posting around 3-4 feed posts per week.

2. Interact with your audience. The wonderful thing about social media is that it creates relationships and connections with people from afar. People LOVE to feel seen and heard, and let’s be honest, in today’s world, social media is where people turn to feel exactly that. When you engage with your followers, you give them a positive feeling that you’re interested in who they are and what they have to say. So, reply to their comments, follow them back, like their posts, comment on their content, and reply to their stories. When you take the time to be interactive, people will be far more interested to get to know you and your business.

  1. 3. Be genuine! Oof– Can’t stress this one enough. Have you ever received a comment on your post that seems so generic that it makes you cringe? Or even worse– Receiving a DM from a fellow entrepreneur trying to spark a conversation with you, but you just know they’re going to push a sales pitch on you at any second. People can feel the autopilot in comments and conversations. So when it’s time to say something, tailor it to that follower! Be specific, use their name, and mention something customizable to them, so they know you actually took time on their post.

Instead of simply commenting, “Love your content! Great points on this post ❤️️”, comment something like, “Taylor! This hit home. It’s so true that owning your own business can be exhausting in every way, and I appreciate your transparency that you so bravely shared with us. You inspire me! P.S- LOVE that shirt! Where did you get it?”

Obviously, make sure you actually mean what you say, but don’t you see how much more comment #2 would grab the attention of someone? Authenticity is of the utmost importance!

  1. 4. Have a cohesive, eye-catching feed. Figuring out your branding is going to be the first step to this. What colors are you going to use? What fonts are you going to be consistent with? What vibe do you want your feed to give? When you’ve figured this out, you’ve already checked off step 1 of creating your perfect feed.

Instagram is never about a few posts, but it’s about your entire profile and who you represent yourself to be. Your profile as a whole is your first impression. When someone clicks your username, it takes them not to your best post or that cool reel you made, but to your profile! When they see something organized, cohesive, and professional, they’re far more likely to hit that follow button to keep themselves in the loop about your business!

  1. 5. Follow people in your competitors’ follower list. A great way to reach people who you know have an interest in your business niche is to look through your competitors’ follower lists and follow/interact with them. I know it may feel a little sneaky, but it’s very likely that they did the same exact thing. Think of it as a shortcut to reach your target audience!

  1. 6. Know that hashtags ARE your friend. This one is a bit controversial. I hear a lot of people claiming that hashtags are no longer useful; however, I have found that to be untrue. Using hashtags is a way to link people with a specific interest directly to you. SO many people use hashtags as a way to search on the platform, and when they’re looking for the keyword that you used, that connection will be made.

Do some research and discover keywords that people are using in relation to your business. Hashtagging needs to be done right to work. When you’re just hashtagging #business #followme #goodcontent … It’s highly doubtful that you’ll gain any engagement from this. Be specific, keep up with trends, and keep your target audience in mind!

  1. 7. Post at the right times. This is where analytics come in handy, and yes, it absolutely is important to keep track of these! But overall, there definitely are right and wrong times to post on Instagram. You’re likely going to get more engagement if you post at 8:00 pm rather than 9:00 am. Think about what most people are doing during those times. At 8:00 pm, people are probably at home, winding down, and getting ready for the next day. At 9:00 am, most people are running into work, ready to conquer the day. Most people aren’t on their phones and are distracted doing something else.

So there you have it, friends - some tried-and-true strategies to boost engagement on your business Instagram page! Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and growing your engagement may take time, but with patience, consistency, and a pinch of creativity, you'll be well on your way to Instagram success.

Can’t wait to see you at the top!


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